Oh wow, we have had a day…its late, and I’m tired and a little frazzled, but I think I want to put it down anyways. Bear with me.
It didn’t start out that great, Dad and Mom had an argument that lasted a couple of hours this morning. Luckily it was a quiet one, confined to their bedroom. It put a lot of tension in the air for the rest of the day though.
I was either working or cooking lunch until about two thirty, when Laura, Emily, Erik, Nile, and I went to the tennis courts for about three hours.
We came home, and were all out on the driveway when Mom said she had to run to the store. We made sure all the kids were out of the way, and Mom left. Erik and Nile were practicing golf together, and asking me to watch them. Emily was in the garage organizing her tennis bag, and Sophia was with me, watching the boys.
This gets graphic, please, don’t read on if violence bothers you.
I cannot believe what happened next. It was such a stupid, stupid, accident. It was just awful. Little Nile, asked me to watch him hit with his driver…and on the backswing, his club connected with Erik’s skull. Erik was a few feet behind him, getting something out of his golf bag when it happened. They were just too close.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw it…and when I heard the noise. Erik gasped loudly, and then started yelling “Oh my eye!”. He put his hand on his left temple, and fell onto his knees. I could see streams of blood coming out of his head. It all happened so fast, I ran over and put my hand over the cut…it was so deep. It was so wide, and there was so much blood. Erik kept saying “Oh Camille help me.” and that his eye hurt. There was so much blood…it was unbelievable. I was horrified. I kept my hand on his head, and we stood up and started for inside the house. Emily was so scared, and she and I were yelling for Dad, and of course Sophia was horrified as well. Blood was filling up my hand, and I had to move it away from Erik’s forehead and let it run down my arm… man.
Dad heard us yelling and met us in the kitchen. I grabbed a dish towel and put it on Erik’s cut, we had to stop that blood. Everyone was insane. Dad wanted to see what had happened, but he can’t handle looking at that sort of thing. I showed him for a split second and then just yelled at him and said that we had to get to ER! God! We ran out to the car, and Dad headed for the hospital. I sat in the back with Erik, and he just kept looking at my and shaking and asking for help…it was awful. I kept calling him baby, and saying that it was going to be okay, and he just kept shaking. He was so brave though.
We got there, and found a nurse right away. She helped us clean up his face, and then the doctor was there. He said that they were going to give him quite a few stitches, and that they were going to do a cat scan. The nurse asked Erik if he had passed out, and he said when he got hit that he had seen “All black, even though one eye was open.”.
It was so so so awful. I got all the blood washed off my arms and then remembered Mom. I told Dad I was going to get her. On the way to the store, Laura pulled in front of me riding her stupid bike. She was going to go tell Mom. GOD! Laura does not know how to keep things calm, and she was going to go tell Mom IN PUBLIC that Erik was in the Emergency Room with a head injury. I could not believe it. I got in the store right after her, and told her to be QUIET. We found Mom, and I told her…in small doses. She did alright, but she started crying and I told her to go and she gave me her checkbook to buy the stuff. Man.
I went back home, and went in to see how the kids were doing. Nile was crying, poor guy. He just broke down, over and over again. He felt so bad…and he was so scared.
Erik is okay. His cat scan came back alright, and they got the stitches in. He looks really beat up. He can’t do gymnastics for a while, and he might have a scar, but he’s safe. And he’s going to be alright.
I can’t tell you how hard this was for everyone…and I can’t believe how much it effected me…when I saw Erik on the ground, I thought it was his temple… and I thought we had lost him. I just can’t put that feeling into words. Erik has always been, really special to me. All my siblings are, but he was my special boy…he still is my special boy. He has been such a sweetheart…he keeps telling Nile that its alright, and that he knows it was an accident…
I just… I hadn’t been that scared in such a long time. When it happened there was so much adrenaline running through my body that I could barely think… but once he was at the hospital… it all hit. Every time I was alone I’d loose it and cry my eyes out, but then…we’d be with the little kids and have to act like everything was okay, and that it was all going to be fine. I’m so glad Mom didn’t see it. She couldn’t have handled it…even she said that.
I just can’t stop thinking about him…even though I know he’s okay. I cleaned the house, washed all the dishes, exercised, but still…my brain won’t shut off. Maybe this will help.
Man, it’s things like this…that show me how much we really do care about each other. I know it might not seem like that big of a deal…but it was to me. It was to all of us. I feel like I’ve been so awful lately…complaining about living here, about not having more free time, just about so much crap that I shouldn’t complain about…I feel awful. I am so lucky…my little bro is alright. All my other siblings are aright. We’re all together.
I’m so glad he’s alright. I'm so glad our little sweetheart is alright. Thank you for that God. Thank you so much.