Authors Note: I realize that I am mimicking the ‘mock letter’ style of writing that my brother uses in his livejournal, but it was at his prompting that I do so. I said I admired the style, and he said that he would have no problem with me borrowing it for a while. So I shall, thank you Seth Studer.
I think I shall use my friend Matthew Glen Taylor as my first subject, but I plan on using many other subjects as well. So don’t be surprised if your name pops up every once in a while.
Dear Matt,
Today was my first day as a ‘B.O.A Trainee’. It wasn’t that different, but I did call and get myself enrolled in all my on-line courses. It looks like there’s going to be fifteen units, and within each unit an average of twelve modules that I’ll need to complete. Or something like that. Anyways, I must complete them within 6 months, but I’ll planning on doing it in two.
It was the busiest day I’ve ever seen up there though, and I’ve been working at Dad’s for over a year! It was insane Mr. Taylor, I never had a down moment. At one point I had three people holding, 4 people in the waiting room, and I was trying to print off labels for a bond that’s coming up and I just about lost it! BUT, all ended well. Anyways. It looks like this ‘Spending tons of time up at the office’ thing, is going to work out ‘okay’ for a while at least.
Nothing else went on that was too smashing today. About an hour ago I was doing round offs in the living room, with a mud mask from the Dead Sea on my face. That was pretty interesting.
I talked to Gail (My school advisor and Spanish teacher) at Spanish class (well obviously) yesterday. She gave me yet ANOTHER pile of crap for my senior year ‘Honors Projects’, and oi vey. I Just don’t want to deal with that right now.
Spanish is still going well though, I enjoy learning a foreign language, no matter what it is. I’m still hoping to take Italian soon though.
Mom has already started talking about my graduation party Matt, can you believe it? She’s insane. I’m trying to pick a ‘theme’ though. I’m deciding between ‘mermaid style (Nautical, ish? Seashells, sand, starfish…candles, faux sea glass…you get the idea.)’, ‘Eastern Indian Chic’, or ‘An Art Deco’ thing of sorts, nothing really specific, but I know what I’d want. So yeah…I’m trying to decide. And its tough. But I do have some time, right?
Oh, and heres an update on some more plans for my future.
I still want a cat named Vito, but I’d also like one named Apollo. And both males. Males are really the way to go if you’re getting a cat.
And my children’s names are still going to be Harrison, Whitecliff, Drake Allen, Vincent, Claudia Ione, Sonja, and Katia. Um, well that’s the list anyways. I might have to choose from it.
Its time to end this letter, goodnight.
You should make your party theme "Nuclear Holocaust."
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