Saturday, January 22, 2005


I hate it when I go a few days without blogging. I get in a rut and then I just keep putting it off. Luckily for you readers though, I’m blogging as we speak. Obviously. Here are a few things that have been frequenting my brain as of late.

-I suppose the most ‘important’ news would be my working full time at Dad’s office. It’s a long story, so I’ll try and break it down into points. a.)Dad has had one full time B.O.A (branch office assistant) and three on callers. Those being Genny, myself, and a woman named Deb (Deb was fantastic but do to circumstances that cannot be discussed here it is now impossible for her to continue helping us at the office. Lets just say her other employer doesn’t want her to work more hours at HIS office, but he doesn’t want her working for anyone else either. So barf and vomit on that control freak, but that’s the way it is.

b.) So Deb can’t come, and then theres Genny. Well Genny is almost useless…she can answer phones and send out birthday cards, but that’s about it. She is a really nice woman but she just doesn’t cut it when it comes to the ‘brains’ department. c.) Then there has been me in the past, and I’m a phenomenal on caller but that’s all I’ve been. d.)So Dad has been working his um, shall we say tush off to find another full time B.O.A, but to no avail. e.) So what was proposed? “What about having Camille go through all the training and have her work full time until I can find someone? It would probably only be for a few months, and she’d learn a lot.” f.) So that was the proposition that we went with. Result? g.) I’m going to be working a minimum of four days a week as an office assistant, dealing with the public, learning MUCH more about the stock market procedures, and completely a series of ‘training modules’ until I have my title. Perks? g.) A required raise (Can we say new laptop/college fund?) because of my new position, and pretty much a guaranteed job for my future (Once I’ve really got this down, I could go almost anywhere in the country and there would most likely be an IR looking for a B.O.A. So I guess you could say ‘Emergency back up job’ is one of the perks. And the cons? h.) I’ll be piling these hours on top of everything else I have to do. School, bead business, family responsibilities, a social life that I’m not too fond of anyways, and any other random crap that comes along.

So basically what this boils down to kids, is that I’m going to be VERY busy for the next couple of months, but I will also be learning a lot, improving my self discipline, and making lots of mullah. I’m not going to lie and say that the one that I’m most excited about isn’t the last one. Because it is. Hello Napoleon Bonaparte my new laptop! You will be mine, very, very soon.

What else is new and fun…

-Oh, one thing that I’ve been wanting to address is the fact that I HATE that the thumb isn’t considered (Or called) a finger. Apparently we all have four fingers and a thumb. That has ALWAYS bothered me. I’d hear “Now place the ring on the third finger of the left hand…” and I’d think to myself “Wait a second, your ring finger would have to be your second or your fourth, not your third, that’s impossible…’

But oh right, your thumb isn’t a damn finger.

-The boys and I built a Lego fortress earlier this week. Legos are simply THE best toy on earth, and I would be willing to argue with anyone on that statement. They’re fantastic. My children will have a book, and possibly a few other random toys…but they will have millions of Legos. So help me, they will.

-I really can’t stand Dennis Quade, but Kevin Costner is alright by me. For some reason I associate those two in my mind. BUT, the movies I associate those two actors with are as follows: Kevin Costner, ‘Robin Hood Prince of Thieves’(One of my all time favorite movies so please just accept the fact and don’t bother me about it.) and ‘J.F.K.’ For Dennis Quade, ‘Dragon Heart.’

I think I’ve said enough.

-Oh, we spent most of our day today at the boys gymnastics meet. They did well, but there was SO much more competition this time that they didn’t come home with quite as many medals as they did last time, but they still had fun.

One thing though, um, well once again I have to gripe. You know how they always play/preform the national anthem at sporting events? Well, I HATE it when there’s a vocalist. The thing is, the vocalist is hardly ever talented, and they ALWAYS drag it out. So your two options are usually a boring, straight forward, classic instrumental anthem that lasts just the right amount, or a massacred piece of something not very nice, that drags on and on, and all the while you’re thinking ‘Dear God when will this end? Screw patriotism or nationalism or whatever this is, my ears are being tortured…’

So what do you do? Get it over with and listen to a mediocre version? Or take the chance with humans hoping that you’re lucky and have gotten someone with talent.

Well guess what? You don’t have any control so tough luck.

That’s what is bad about the national anthem.


At 10:19 AM, Blogger coffee girl said...

*kisses cams forehead*


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