Dad has done this thing for years when he gets up early, and then wakes me up too and tells me to go take my shower. He doesn’t get anyone else up, its just me and him. I think he just wants another person to get the hot water heater going. Hes a freak about that sort of thing, hot water, the temperature in the house…
So right now I’m up and Dad’s at work and everyone else is in bed. I can’t even start my chores until the other girls get up. Bah.
I tried to make it an early night last night, but I heard the phone ring at 10:30 and it was Chelsea. She did have something important to tell me, but the only took five minutes. Lets just say we were on the phone for two hours. She was at this conference thing, and needed someone to talk to about the things she was feeling, and while I was glad that she was calling me instead of Lincoln or Josh or something…I wanted to go to bed! Ha, but I’m a selfish girl.
It was fun I suppose. We got ranting about the state of the world, how we think politics are complete crap, and how we feel useless as far as changing anything. Ha ha, we have slightly different attitudes about it though. She would usually say something like this “Yeah whenever I hear about those poor people, I just want to love on them and take care of them! And I think about poor children, and how so many of them will never be cuddled because their parents are dead…” on and on and always sounding like an angel or something. I was a bit more brash. “Chelsea, this is the way its always been. So what if we’ve got it good in America, other nations don’t even THINK like we do, they don’t want our changes. They can’t even seem to comprehend them. Gah! But just the self centered nature in this country is about enough to make me vomit! We’ve got these people who have millions and millions of dollars, and instead of sending the money where it could be used so wonderfully, they buy ANOTER Mercedes. Gah, and don’t get me wrong, I could help out more too…I really could, we all could…its just…”
Rant, rant, rant, rant. Lots of ranting. Chelsea has hope with a touch of airheadness and unrealistic dreams, and I’ve got hope with a touch of cynicism, but an aching desire to do something. I don’t know what, its just hard sitting in this country happy and free, and not doing anything to help. What can I really do anyways? Theres things, I know. I know.
Oh, and I suppose my blog is sort of like that horse in ‘The Wizard of Oz’. The changing color one that is.
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