Friday and thats good.
Dear Jeff Peterson,
~Because I am your bright star in the sky, and I will be up there waiting patiently for you~
Dear Jeff Peterson,
Authors Note: I realize that I am mimicking the ‘mock letter’ style of writing that my brother uses in his livejournal, but it was at his prompting that I do so. I said I admired the style, and he said that he would have no problem with me borrowing it for a while. So I shall, thank you Seth Studer.
I hate it when I go a few days without blogging. I get in a rut and then I just keep putting it off. Luckily for you readers though, I’m blogging as we speak. Obviously. Here are a few things that have been frequenting my brain as of late.
I was so frustrated today. I don’t know why. Maybe its cabin fever, maybe its feeling trapped in this town, maybe its being sick of all the junk we have to deal with, I don’t know. Maybe it was Spanish class and feeling like almost every other student came from distant planet. Maybe it’s the cold frozen world right now.
Standing here
The old man said to me
"Long before these crowded streets
Here stood my dreaming tree"
Below it he would sit
For hours at a time
Now progress takes away
What forever took to find
Now he's falling hard
He feels the falling dark
How he longs to be
Beneath his dreaming tree
Conquered fear to climb
A moment froze in time
When the girl who first he kissed
Promised him she'd be his
Remembered mother's words
There beneath the tree
"No matter what the world
You'll always be my baby"
Mommy come quick
The dreaming tree has died
The air is growing thick
A fear he cannot hide
The dreaming tree has died
Oh have you no pity
This thing I do
I do not deny it
All through this smile
As crooked as danger
I do not deny
I know in my mind
I would leave you now
If I had the strength to
I would leave you up
To your own devices
Will you not talk
Can you take pity
I don't ask much
But won't you speak
From the start
She knew she had it made
Easy up 'til then
For sure she'd make the grade
Adorers came in hordes
To lay down in her wake
She gave it all she had
But treasures slowly fade
Now she's falling hard
She feels the fall of dark
How did this fall apart
She drinks to fill it up
A smile of sweetest flowers
Wilted so and soured
Black tears stain the cheeks
That once were so admired
She thinks when she was small
There on her father's knee
How he had promised her
You'll always be my baby
The dreaming tree has died
I can't find my way home
There is no place to hide
The dreaming tree has died
Oh if I had the strength
Take me back
Save me please
Its so funny, I keep myself busy during the day, and try to push these feelings aside. But at night, the task becomes much harder.
spot on.
You Are 23 Years Old |
23 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Colorado boys and their quizzes, I swear I could waste my entire day doing these.
You Are a Visionary Soul |
![]() You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings. You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul |
Dad has done this thing for years when he gets up early, and then wakes me up too and tells me to go take my shower. He doesn’t get anyone else up, its just me and him. I think he just wants another person to get the hot water heater going. Hes a freak about that sort of thing, hot water, the temperature in the house…
Tonight is one of those nights, when I have a million and a half things going on inside my head, yet I have nothing to write. I want to write something because I don’t want it to appear that I have nothing going on inside my mind, because there is nothing further from the truth, but its so hard to choose one thing.
Nothing too amazing went on today, just usual things.
Conditions are such that she will not let herself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.
Camille Studer stands in front of her bedroom mirror. She needs to put her hair up, but how shall she do it? ‘Lets go Grecian today’ she thinks to herself ‘I haven’t gone Grecian since the day before my teeth were ripped out.’ Camille likes doing updos that mimic the feminine Grecian styles, its easy and the result is most acceptable. She begins twisting her dark locks and securing them to the back of her head when her younger sister Emily enters the room. Emily walks over to Camille’s window and stares at the tree below. She asks Camille a question…
“No, not really.”
“Well I think they are. Its like do they ever wash themselves?”
“They flap around in water.”
“Oh yeah sure, like they all take turns at the ‘bird bath’ things.”
“Emily there are other pools of water they can use.”
“I guess.”
“Well I mean how dirty can they be anyways? They’re either in the air, and they can’t get dirty up there, or they’re standing on their feet. So really their feet would be the only problem, I think they’re feathers are pretty silky so most everything slides off.”
“That’s true.”
“Well I mean the little ones at least. I’m sure some big birds are filthy.”
“Well obviously.”
So I guess some birds are filthy.
Camille Studer is sleeping tranquilly in her bed on a cold grey Sunday morning. It has been almost four days now since her wisdom teeth were tragically ripped from her jaws, and she is improving dramatically. Shes feeling very good this morning, sleeping well. Her alarm did go off at 3:30am so she was able to take her pain medicine on time and no have to worry about waking up to horrific pain. Oh yes she is feeling very good indeed. Laying on four down comforters and being covered by a cool quilt in a dim room is very nice. Rest, solitude ,healing, peace, and…
“So are you going to church Seth?”
“Yeah are you?”
“Why? You should come.”
“I don’t have time, what time its it?”
“Its 7:50am, you’ve got 40 minutes, you should come.”
“No my face is still too puffy and I know I’ll fall asleep at church. I fell asleep last night at the movie.”
“Oh. But you like the shirt right?”
“Yes…oh! Oh I see, you’ve got your date today…ahh…that’s it.”
“Yeah, where should we go to eat?”
“I don’t know, are you wanting to go somewhere nice?”
“Yeah, something like Panera but not Panera.”
“Right, um, well and I don’t suppose you want to go to one of those chain dealies like Olive garden or red Lobster…those aren’t that classy.”
“Right, I was thinking
“That’s a good idea.”
“Yeah, and I don’t know what we’re going to do after that…”
“Are you going to take her to an IMAX?”
“Well, I’m going to offer it but I don’t think it’s a good idea, I really don’t want to do it. So I’m going to offer that, the art museum, and…bowling!”
“Ah that’s fun, which bowling alley are you going to? Theres this one I went to a couple of year ago, its really good, I don’t remember where it is…”
“Well theres this one off of Blairs Ferry that I’m thinking about.”
“Ah, I think mines on the south side.”
(Laura walks bye and gasps as she looks at Seth’s shirt.)
“Nice shirt Seth!!!”
“See Camille? She made a bigger deal of it then you did and I didn’t even show it to her!”
“Gosh I’m sorry but I wasn’t exactly awake when you asked…it’s a great shirt okay?”
“Okay, yeah I’m going to go talk to Mom now.”
“Okay. Have a good time with Lindsey today.”
Oh, and I am once again changing my template. Sorry, I just can't find one that I'm completely happy with yet!
Well I’m sitting up in my room right now, on my bed, with about 25 pillows, and a tray with juice, sorbet, water, pain killers, and an empty bowl, which used to contain my favorite kind of soup from PANERA. Thanks Seth, you’re the BEST. He honestly is kids, hes letting me use his laptop right now, and one of his Seinfeld dvds is in my DVD player. Ahhh...aside from my mouth being in pain, and the fact that this medicine messes with me a little, I’m doing okay.
My wisdom teeth are going to be cut out of my gums tomorrow. Most people would put it politely and say they’re going to be ‘removed’. That’s not the way I see it though. I think about being put under, and then a man is going to open my mouth REALLY wide, and take a sharp object, and cut into my gums…
Theres one thing I really hate about living in this family.
I had such a great time last night, I'm totally surprised.
I got to the formal around 8:15, and everybody was there and I saw Lincoln, Mel, Audrey, Seth Holts, and Samantha at a table so I went and sat with them. The place looked lovely, it was packed with confetti, balloons, candles, it was just really nice. Dinner was good too, it was just Olive Garden but it was better then what they usually do.
I hadn't seen Katie for a month, and all of a sudden I hear somebody say "Camille!" and there she was wearing a PINK dress with rhinestones! I have NEVER seen Katie wear a dress before, its just not something she does, but she looked great. It was so good to catch up with her, shes doing better. I love that girl.
Apparently they were going to watch 'Napoleon Dynamite' at 11, but my captors showed up right before then. Chelsea and Marta.
I took them around and introduced them to the people they didn't know, and then we left. It was So dead in CR, but I was happy about that! We didn't really want to go downtown to a really nice restaurant and spend a ton of money, and theres no way we could have even gotten into a bar if we wanted to, so we just went to an almost abandoned Chili’s and got drinks and cheesecake.
Our waiter was this guy named
Marta: "
Camille: "Hey
HA! It was quite the riot, we weren't really that annoying, just pretty relaxed and a little silly. We left him a thank you note on a napkin though with a big tip, so I think its all good with
Then we started back to my house and got into town almost exactly at midnight, so I pulled into Dad's parking lot and we danced around and yelled and kissed each other. Good fun times.
After that we came back to my house and hung out in my room...and then of course we had to eat some more so we went into the kitchen and brought a bunch of food to the table and lit candles and talked for three hours. We got DEEP at that late hour, ha ha ha. Reminiscing about the year, how we've changed, what we've we want to make next year better... was good. Marta made us pick New Years Resolutions so I said that I'm going to try and say "No" more when people ask me to do things I really don't want to do. Its going to be tough, but healthy.
So it was a really great new year after all, and I have hopes and fears for the next year...but here it is. I guess I'm just going to have to dive in and give it my best.