Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Oh my word, I just had something crazy happen.  I was driving home from Cedar Rapids, and I was *ahem* trying to get home fast.  Okay, I was going 66 in a 55 zone, or something like that.  Anyways, well I saw police lights flash.  Cripe.  So I pull over, yank out my wallet and the cop steps up to the window.  Ha ha!  Its one of our GREAT friends officer Eric Feller!  He grins at me, says “Okay sweetie, you’re just going a little fast, but you have a nice night hon.” He winks and walks away.
Okay, sweet action!  This is when I LOVE living in a small town.  I was like the feller families favorite babysitter, and they freaking worship our whole family, so I slid through my first possible speeding ticket.  Praise Neptune.
Oh my word, these last two weeks have been insane.  I was with my youth group from July 11 through the 16, then busy all day Saturday.  And Sunday.  Then Monday.  Then Tuesday.  Oh, and today I woke up, had to spend the morning working on bead business stuff, dashed to work for 5 hours, ran to Church, then got picked up on the way home.  I  am not kidding, either I have been working my butt off at home, mowing, work at Dad’s, in Cedar Rapids doing stuff, tennis lessons, at church, just stuff stuff stuff!  Even my internet life has been crammed, replying to piled up e-mails, talking with TOO many people at one time way into the night, and confirming bead orders.  Oy, and the esrt of the week is just as crammed, drama practices, church, friends coming over, and work. 
 Man its been nuts.  It’s so funny, when a blogger like myself doesn’t have much going on she can post a lot, but its usually boring.  And when I have a crazy, busy, interesting life, I have no time to talk about it.  Sick.


At 2:25 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

I've never been pulled over for speeding before, but I was pulled over once for apparently passing a bus in a school zone when the little stop-sign arm was out. Now, I remembered from my little good driver book that they give you that you have to stop for a bus when the arm is out... but it was in the process of "going out" right as I passed (as well as the guy in front of me and behind me). Needless to say, since three of us violated this really dumb hoopla, he let us off with warnings. So.. no tickets yet, but I've been pulled over once.

worst thing to say to a cop: "Hey, the officer yesterday only gave me a warning too!"

Man, I've been busy too. I mean, just today I had to get up at the crack of noon, then I HAD to take a shower and eat a home-cooked brunch. I then had a walking around appointment at the mall to see some friends who work there, and then Peter FORCED ME to his house to play video games. Man... when will it end!?


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