Friday, July 09, 2004

Mmmm back.

All right, our computer is back. Nice. Apparently we just had virus issues, our program was outdated and what not…anyways. We now have better programs and the tech gave me instruction to keep it cleaned. So I have self appointed myself as compys doctor, I will try and keep him as well as possible. Heh.

I got my haircut this morning, made my layers even MORE drastic, it feels great its been THREE months *gasp* since my last trim. Shocking.

Chelsea and Zach were going to come over this afternoon, we were going to hang out, head to Cedar Rapids, probably see an IMAX, shop, dinner, what not… but the plans fell through. Heheh. I was actually pretty relieved, this weeks been crazy and even though I did clean my room and made my hair nice, I wasn’t really in the mood to play hostess. Still though, I forgot my favorite red shoes at Chelsea’s place the other day, and she was going to bring them, not so good. I wants me shoes.

Things are going so much better with mum and I. Oh man, it’s such a relief. Who knows why, but I am not going to ask. Perhaps it’s just that I have been trying harder, or maybe it’s because me mum was just letting the stress get to her, I don’t know. I drove her down to Cedar Rapids tonight (She had to meet Father and a few friends for dinner), and we talked and had a just a wonderful time. When I dropped her off at the restaurant, she made sure I had a cell phone and then said “Drive safe, we’ll see you later tonight. Bye Cam, I love you.”

Oh gosh, my heart just melted. She shut the door before I could say anything back, but the only thing I said anyways was “Yeah…” wow I’m smooth, thank Neptune she didn’t hear me.


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