Friday, September 02, 2005

Tres 30 mins

I'm at school and I have 30 minutes until 'Cultural Anthropology' starts, and I just finished the reading for it so I'm giving myself a BREAK. I just got out of 'Microbes', which was actually really fun this morning. I have to write a paper on Mad Cow disease though, which I am sure I will be thuroughly disturbed by. *shudder* She shall survive though folks.

Crap, and I have to go to the doctor at 1:00, I forgot! That means I have ten minutes to get home and then get to the hospital... d'oh.

I need to go study for Social Problems right now... blast it all to heck.

I would KILL to be able to paint a wall, toss some glitter up in the air, arrange some flowers, make a bracelet, or even just mow a lawn right now. This gypsy color lover is dying from the mundane black and white of texts. *sigh*

Enough drama, I'll be good.


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Peter said...

Your words cleave my writer's soul in twain.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Ms. Studer said...

Ah you do not understand me.

I love reading things that are worth while, and just plain good, and those are the things I am you write and plan on writing...

...however, most of what I am required to read for school is NOT the above.

Nice job on being drmatic though. Very Peter-esque. ;-)

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Ms. Studer said...

***I am SURE... heh, edit.


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