Well that was interesting.
Our evening started out quite uneventfully. Mom, Emily, and I were home alone because Dad and the rest of the sibs were in CR. We ladies decided to eat dinner at the country club, and then we went and got groceries.
Pretty basic right?
Well, after the groceries were put away Emily and I thought a little tennis sounded fantastic. A cold front came through today, so the weather was finally fit to play in.
Another little interesting fact about today, was that I got my tennis dress in the mail. I ordered it from tennis warehouse, and was STOKED to finally have it. It is a beautiful red Diadora tennis dress... guh. I love it. So I got to wear it to play tennis tonight. There would be no baggy Iowa T-shirts for me tonight, I had a fitting, fabulous Diadora dress.
Emily and I played for about forty minutes, and then Laura shows up and well, the party starts of course. *wink wink wink*
I don’t think I’ve ever described our courts before. There are two fenced areas, with two courts each. We call one area the “Old Courts” and the other the “New Courts”. The new courts are much better, and we always use them. Oh and the courts are located in a park with lots of trees, etc.
So yeah, wow I’m rambling.
Anyways. We’d been there for about an hour when this car with a bunch of guys in it drives by and the guys whistle and yell “Yeah, shake that ass!” at us. Charming, no?
We shrugged it off and then kept playing. The sun set, and I remember hearing a car park up by the playground, and car doors shut. That wasn’t odd though, punks always hang out there, so I just dismissed it.
We played for probably forty five minutes after I heard that, and then the lights went off. It was completely dark, the sun had set a long time ago. We had forgotten to check the timer, which sucked because when the lights go off it takes about fifteen minutes for them to charge back up. That's the only bad part about the new courts.
So Laura said she was going to jog around until the lights charged again and I said Em and I would play at the old courts while she did that. The lights at the old court turn on right away.
I grabbed my racquet and a couple of tennis balls, and headed over to get the lights on. I heard Emily run up behind me, and I switched the timer on. Then I looked over at the bushes that were like eight feet away from me and I see a group of guys sitting there on the grass, in the dark, hiding, and watching us. I tensed right away and Emily saw me and said “Camille?” and then she saw the guys and said “Lovely”. I was so freaking pissed. The guys got up and started running away, and I just spewed obscenities at them. I can’t believe what a dirty mouth I had, I just felt so violated and angry.
We heard Laura yelling and I screamed at her to get over here now! She made it over all right, and the creeps got in their car and sped away. It was the same one that had driven by before.
I know it might not seem like that big of a deal, but we were all incredibly disturbed at those guys. There were peeping Toms! That's all they were! They were hidden, and they were watching us for nearly an hour. It just makes me sick.
So yeah, that was interesting.