Friday, July 29, 2005


I'm at the swimming pool right now, the boys are having private swimming lessons, and I'm in awe that they have internet here. I'm not complaining though. I'm just in awe.

Its a simply beautiful morning. Nice and cool, but sunny.

I'm a little grumpy though, I didn't get much sleep last night. Come to think of it I haven't been sleeping well at all lately, but I'm really paranoid about taking meds to help me. Eh.


~Places I never want to live in the US, as of now~
1.) North Dakota
2.) South Dakota
3.) Wyoming
4.) Florida (Unless I have a fabulous beach home.)
5.) Missouri
7.) Louisiana
8.) Texas

~Places I MUST visit before I die~
1.) Greece
2.) Italy, Venice specifically
3.) Denmark
4.) Ireland
5.) Spain (This is a MUST.)
6.) Russia, focusing probably on Moscow and St. Petersburg (What else is there babe?)
7.) Japan

I want to visit many more, but I think I can tackle this list with no worries. I'd really love to see Africa as well... and I should probably visit Bali. Oh and Cuba. Gotta go to Cuba.


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