Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Y more works de fire!!!

So I'm cheating with Spanish and making crap up, sue me.

Happy Fourth everyone, may we all enjoy our liberties and independence and so forth... Indeed.

We drove down to celebrate with the Fellers at their new house today, and it was fairly nice. We ate a lovely meal, had some nice conversation, and then the girls and I SPLIT and went shopping for a bit, right before we went to...

... the Williamsburg tennis courts to test them out. Muhahahaha, even when visiting friend we need a tennis break. It was quite fun, they weren't as good as our courts of course but better then nothing.

Then it was time for more fireworks, this time laying on our backs, on blankets on a hill. Wow, I just used "on" three times in a sentence. How horrendously repetitive of me.

Happy Fourth!


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