Monday, June 27, 2005

Snappy nothing.

Surprisingly enough, my world does consist of things other then tennis. I just never care enough to write about it.

On that note, Roger and Andy are in the quarter finals. Now we only have five more matches to get through and we can breathe again. That is of course, until the US Open.

Let’s see, I’ll try and remember some highlights from the last few days.

~Sophia turned four on Saturday, I still can’t believe that the “Studer Baby” is four years old. It’s insanity on a stick I tell you.

~On the Birthday note, Erik will be nine tomorrow.

~Things have been completely wretched between the parental units and I, and it’s been pretty weird with them and Laura and Emily as well. Luckily we three girls have been keeping each other from becoming suicidal. We do our work, we do our things outside of the house, and when we’re home and finished with our work, we lock ourselves in my room and knit, read magazines, write, draw, talk, goof off, watch movies, and listen to music, just to stay sane! Thank God for my room. I think another reason we’re going crazy is because the tennis courts have been unplayable because they took the nets down for that infernal ‘Party in the Park’. The nets are back up again though, as of this morning, so we’ll go play later. Still. It’s been rough living with our insane parents lately. Keep us in your prayers, I beseech you.

~I have been spending far too much money. In the last two days, I’ve bought: My ibook, (complete with dvd burner, extra memory, the biggest hard drive available, and bluetooth, I’m excited.) Moulin Rouge, The Wedding Singer (Pathetic, I know! But I love this dang movie, it was only seven bucks, and STEVE is in it. Guh!), ‘Good News for People who like Bad News’ – Modest Mouse, ‘Hotel’ – Moby, 7 more random buttons, a Star Wars shirt (Vintagy, ‘A New Hope’!), and movie tickets to see star wars AGAIN. Oh, and an Edward Scissor Hands patch, and a red star patch. But its not the commie star, so don't worry. I'm a frump girl. Not a commie.

This is all a mess, and I can’t really think of anything else that has been interesting lately.

We watched fireworks in the park last night. That’s interesting, right?


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