Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Well well wasn’t sensational, but it was nice. The highlights:

-I got to sleep in a little, and sleep is my best friend.

-I didn’t have to do that much work (Ha ha!).

-Got money (Oh and cards, but who really cares about those?) from relatives in the mail, but am expecting more tomorrow.

-While the boys were at the gym in CR, Mom and Laura took me to our favorite coffee shop and bought me Lemon Cake and said “Happy Birthday.”. That was nice.

-I saw ‘Hotel Rwanda’ with Seth, Laura, and Emily once we got home from CR. It was…really hard to watch…but a really good thing to see. Its one of those movies though, that makes you itch when you’re watching it. You just want to get up and help SOMEBODY so badly. Yeah…so I cried through a lot of it…and it wasn’t exactly ‘light birthday fun’ but I’m still glad I saw it.

-We came home and opened my presents. Well, I opened my presents. Everybody else just…sat in the same room and made jokes. I got the weirdest things, but considering I’m a weird person I guess it makes sense. I got books, cds, cash, gift cards, gorgeous Greek style earrings from Erik (The little sweetheart.), a stone from the gulf of Mexico, a wooden mermaid pendant from Tibet, and pewter mermaid pendant from ‘Green Girls Studio’, a Dicronic Art Glass bead made by DANW (Gasp!) in Iowa City, about 40 different colored Sharpie markers, (What’s with the pendants???), and….a tape recorder with a bunch of tapes.

Okay so the last couple are really weird… but I’ve been asking for them for a while now! I wanted the tape recorder because I am CONSTANTLY scribbling down little notes of things that amuse me, conversations, thoughts, etc. I thought if I had a little tape recorder I would be a bit more organized.

Plus, who else had a tape recorder? That’s right Diane, Dale Cooper did. And who better to model your life after then Dale Cooper? That’s my question folks, and I’m just sitting here waiting for you to give me an answer.

The Sharpie markers sound like they could have been wished for darker purposes…but I really just like the way they write. And now I can write in about 40 different colors…with Sharpies! Ah….you gotta love those fumes.

Oh, more weirdness. Apparently Lincoln called for me when we were in CR, and then he called again right after presents. Yeah, see the thing is him and I ‘hang out’ together. We don’t ‘talk’ on the phone. So him calling was weird. I guess he just wanted to wish me a happy birthday…ha…I was kind of like “What the hell do you want???” when I answered though…oops. We talked for quite a while…I survived. I might of even had some fun. Wow.

Yeah…so today was a little strange, as far as birthdays go. I still have to get together with Chelsea and Mart, but that’ll have to wait until after the trip.

Oh, and apparently I’m getting a cake tomorrow. Like, the real cake. Its just a day late. WEIRD.

*sigh* The trip kids…is coming up.

Anyways, Goodnight from the weird girl who had a strange but decent birthday.


At 3:09 AM, Blogger Seth Studer said...



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