Yesterday though, was really nice. We’re still just trying to get everything in order before vacation…but its coming together. For some reason, I got really excited about turning 18. It was nice, Chelsea called, and we talked forever…
…Matt/Kent sent me such a nice gift. I can’t believe how nice it was, thanks again Matt.
It was just one of those hyper days. At Spanish class I couldn’t focus, and I exercised double the time I normally do, just because of my excess energy.
So yes…I’m 18. Tomorrow…I will open presents, have fun, and be 18.
I’ve been thinking about how much I’ve changed over the last year. To be honest, it blows me away. I’m somewhat embarrassed when I think back on some of the opinions and thoughts I used to have, some of the stupid things I would do and say…idiotic I tell you.
I was incredibly naive, and I’m sure I still am now, but you don’t know you were until you look back. Some of the things I used to care about…shameful I tell you.
I liked being 17, it was a good age…but…I think its one of those ‘transition’ years. Unsettled. I often felt like I had crawled up a stone wall, and was waiting to jump down the other side. I know it won’t be that drastic, but, sitting atop that wall… was a little nerve wracking.
18 is going to be somewhat different. I’ll start college this fall, and…just…the age alone is slightly different. Bah, I probably don’t have a clue about what I’m saying.
I’m happy right now…I’m excited. I think tomorrow will be fun…and I like being able to say I’m 18.
Thanks for being there guys, it means a lot.
happy b-day from a distant bro.
be blessed in life and take it slow.
egads what a bad poem... I'll just stop now.
it's been quite a journey, and it aint close to the end a the road there missy! More adventures await, and if you thought you were nieve then, well just wait til you're in your mid 20's... holy frijoles, it's quite a learning curve.
God bless you in all you do, live these days as if they were your last, and all the rest is red tape and details.
(by that, I dont' mean, frantic living, or blow off stuff and elope with an italin you met 5 minutes ago... i mean, keep accounts short, always say waht you mean, and find love and beauty in the stranges tof places. It's there.)
Agape and Zoe-
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