Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wow, choo fine.

I did my hair this morning…its hot. Like, super model from the ‘90s hot. Ow!!!

You know you like it. That’s right, you do.

Today was interesting, I went ice skating for the first time in my life (Well, other then on a pond, but I don’t think that counts.) I didn’t want to go, but the female parental unit made me. The ‘homeschool’ group (Pardon me whilst I vomit.) was having some sort of party thing, eh. So I went.

Luckily, this chick from Spanish class was there, Cassidy. Laura and I simply adore her. She has our EXACT sense of humor, and she has cool interests as well. So it was nice to see her I guess.

Other then that, pretty basic. Spent most of the day in CR, but that’s nothing new.

Oh, Erik and Nile’s gymnastics coaches want me to work for them, to teach a ‘pre gym’ class or something, it would be interesting. I don’t know what pay would be, but it would look good on my résumé. I’d have office administration, restaurant experience, and then recreational coaching.

Pretty well rounded I think. For a 17 year old.

Oh, and I forgot 5 years of babysitting and my bead business. Heh.


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