Friday, November 12, 2004

A cup of beads.

Today was yet again a day of beads. First we had some ladies call asking if they could come over and make some bracelets this afternoon, and then we had our class tonight which was pretty full. Its always surprising how much work it is, we dash around that room for pretty much two hours straight and usually when its all over I’ve lost my voice form talking so much. Tonight was a good night though, all my favorites came…Bunny, Carolyn, Nancy, Alex, Shannon, Barb, Jean, Kaylee, and dear, dear, Lynne. Seriously, those are almost all of my favorite ladies who regularly attend the classes. None of the pesky controlling ones were there, and we sold a lot of merch. So all in all, a fairly productive day.

I am so tired now though so I will go make myslef a cup of tea and try to get some reading done before bed. It sounds like a bood plan.


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