Thursday, November 04, 2004

Miss Prins.

Hmmm. Brittany Prins asked me over to her house tonight. Its weird, I’m friends with her bro Lincoln (Hes my age) but I like Britt as well. Shes 20, completely calm and centered, yet still really fun. All in all, I think shes been a bit worried about me, so she just invited me over for some ‘chill’ time. It actually was really nice, she made dinner and then we tried out their new hot tub! It was brilliant, really cold clear air, and the stars, and the back of their house is pretty much just a field, so it was really nice. They have a completely gorgeous, SPOTLESS home, and it was just fun. Yeah.

And now my whole family is wigging out so I have to go. Because our house isn’t calm and centered. I need to run away.


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