I think it's probably a really good thing that I didn't go to school when I was younger. I'm almost completely sure that I'd be the one smoking in the bathroom just to get the fire alarms to go off. I seem like a good girl for the most part, I make good decisions, I follow the rules for the most part, etc. I'm at a time in my life though when I am SO SICK of people telling me what to do. And oh they do. At school, at home, at tennis, etc. They tell me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. I think I seem like a good girl because I've had a LOT of freedom. I was able to read, create, do, etc, what I wanted for the most part growing up. Sure, I worked a lot and we all have to study subjects that we don't like, but I could study them how I wanted to. If I got bored, I'd shake things up, start a project, do something I wanted to do the way I wanted to do it.
Read chapters one through five Camille.
Do exercises 8 - 14 Camille.
That is due Friday class.
Can you come into work Camille?
Return cross-court Camille, not down the line.
This is singles Camille, try to go down the line.
Camille, can I borrow your notes from Friday?
I think you need to move laundry Camille.
Camille, can you take the boys to the gym?
Let's go Camille!
The phones for you Camille.
Did you pick up the film Camille?
I am sick of it! Geez. I just wish I had time to doodle, to make a mix album, to read a book JUST FOR FUN.
It seems like I would have been the good girl. But I don't think I would have. If I wasn't the captian, I'd be the one passing around the round robin. Shaking things up, sick of all the orders.
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