Same old story not much to say...
...hearts are broken everyday. Yes, I did just quote that song. Well, this is my blog, if you don't like it... the door is on the left.
Tres life... tres madness.
Hello internet world, how goes your evening?
I had an Anthropology test this morning, and from the second I finished it my brain has been telling me to "Take it easy!". I studied so hard for it... I was able to explain every single concept, idea, and culture that my professor said would probably be on the test, and I only used probably 10% of the information I knew to complete the test, but damn it all to hell if I didn't know it. Its slightly frustrating, but meh, college is not a just place.
After I put my brain through a totally intense mental workout, I gave it a break. I let myself chill this afternoon, I did art projects. I made collages, and I did some more sketching. I've been drawing quite a bit lately, almost every night for at least a few minutes before I go to bed. I've found it to be very therapeutic, more then it has ever been before. I've mostly been drawing people, but of course I've been winding down with my scrolling, flowering, random, "who knows what they are" sketches as well. Sharpies, pens, pencils, lipstick, and card-stock - they are my friends.
The Cure is my new band. I'm frantic for new tracks, I can't get enough. Favorite so far - "Boys don't cry".
My social problems class continues to keep me sane in the mornings. Breahana, Chris, and Corey are really hilarious kids... its kind of funny that I laugh the most in my most depressing class subject wise.
My kitten Rafael gets sweeter everyday, I love that little doll. Pim Pim is also doing well, I cleaned his bowl the other day and he was very happy about that. Ever since I got little Rafa it has made me look forward to having my own place even more then ever. Hmmm... a girl looking forward to moving out and living alone with a cat... sounds like a spinster in the making to me.
Movies - I have a new version of my "All time favorite movies" list. This thing is always changing, but its still fun.
1.) Casablanca
2.) The Godfather
3.) Notorious
4.) Rear Window
5.) Moulin Rouge
6.) An American in Paris
7.) The Little Mermaid
8.) Chocolat
Eight is a weird number, but I'm going to stop here for now. These are movies I truly love, I can watch them at any time and I will love them just as much. There are many, many other movies that I enjoy watching, but these, sorry to use such a horrible cliche, have a special place in my heart. I canna get enough of them laddie! As they would say in Moulin Rouge "Come what may, I will love you until my dying day!" Oh boy... so dramatic, I just giggled!
Did I mention that Lincoln and Mel are engaged? I don't think that I did, but they are, and it's crazy. I've known these kids since I was eight, we've always been the same age, been in the same "groups" and done things together, and now they're getting married. I feel like they are all of a sudden so much older then I am, but at the same time, the idea of them getting married seems incredibly absurd. They are young, yes, but its not just their age. It's that we are the same age, and that I am close to both of them. Kids my age shouldn't be getting married, we're too short, but they are. It's going to be a weird wedding - but I am very happy for them, they were meant for each other.
My wedding jewelry project is coming along nicely. I had a meeting with the bride the other day and she simply loved her necklace, and she thought that the bridesmaid's designs were great as well. The wedding is the 10th of December, and now that I have the "Go ahead" on the designs I just need to get them into production.
Sibling update - Nile is eight, and Emily is fourteen. Laura has her drivers drivers license. Sophia is going to be smart.
I don't know what has happened to the girl's and my tennis games lately, but something has clicked in our minds and we are playing better then we ever have. It's been really encouraging. Besides some drama with an emotional coach of ours (*cough cough*) our little tennis world is still incredibly fun. I can't wait for lessons tomorrow.
I was thinking the other day about what the heck I want to do with my life. (Am I ever not thinking about this?) I have no idea what I want. The world, I am finding, seems to be full of wonderful adventures that I could choose from, but this choosing part is scaring the hell out of me. Anyways - it got me thinking about creating something good, something meaningful. I am never happier then when I have a project, when I'm creating something, learning something, getting to know of new group of people, just doing something that I care about. I would like to bring something good into this world. Thinking about that though, made me think about all of the wonderful things that have already been done. All the places that have been discovered, the art that has been beautifully spun on canvas, page, instrument, and building, every disease that has been cured, every country that has been run well, every product that has been made, every thought that amazingly brilliant men and women have shared with this world - it is so much, so much has already been done, and in such wonderful ways. It makes me wonder if I have anything to give to the world, and that in a way saddens me. On the other hand though, I wonder what it would have been like for the people who brought about these changes/things/ideas to grow up in a world without them. There is still much to be done, but thinking about not having the things our world has now is a very strange thought, and it makes me feel incredibly grateful. There are a lot of putrid, evil, idiotic things in this world, but there is also a lot of brilliance.
I don't know what else to say... things are good, people are everywhere, I am happy, I am sad, I am busy, I hate school, I love school. Vinton is our own little personal Casablanca without the perks of Ricks, and we are aching to get to our Lisbon.
Then in a flash the light blue horizon spanning a sudden black is sucked into the vanishing point.
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