Tres ten minutes to class...
We've had a good weekend so far, and it sounds like the parents have been having fun as well, so thats fabulous. Dad seems to be a lot more relaxed about his presentation, we're hoping he does well and stays chilled.
I was up way late last night filling bead orders, and I have to use my break today to get them where they need to go. Tres stress! Somehow it will be alright though.
This former tennis pro Luke Jensen is coming to the tennis club tonight. He won the French Open Doubles final quite a few years ago, and now he works at ESPN. Anyways, the girls and I are going to a special clinic that he's going to be at tonight. I am WICKED (yes I did just say wicked) nervous, and so is Emily, but I'm hoping that everyone just stays chilled.
My new racquet is AWESOME. I can't get over it.
Maybe I'll write a more personal in depth post in a few days, but right now, microbes starts in five.
Stay beautiful.
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