Wow, its been over a week since I've last written, I've really been slacking off. I'll try and think of some fun highlights.
School - School is driving me crazy this week. My group in Social Problems have the first debate this semester, and we're on the "no" side for Doctor Assisted Suicide. Like I said we're one of the first groups going, so we've had less then a week to prepare for our debate, and its a "group" thing which would seem like it would be easier but actually its much harder. We have to split up the work because everyone needs credit, and we have to incorporate everyones ideas for where this project should go. AND we have to write a "group" paper which I think is the stupidest idea ever. How can you write a group paper???? Everyone has a different writing style! BAH!
My group met at my house last night, we worked for five hours and I feel like we still have nothing to stand on. And they're coming back tonight. I think I'm going to just tell them that I'll write the damn paper and put all of their names on it, I just want to get it DONE.
On top of this stupid debate, I have a huge test for microbes tomorrow which I am a little nervous about. I think it's going to be okay though, I've been paying attention in microbes and taking very good notes. Oi vey.
Want to hear something gross? I was playing tennis on Friday night, and I opened a wound that I had the stitches removed from just that morning! (I don't really want to tell you why I had stitches in my back, but I will. I had three small *shuddering as I write the word* "moles" on my back, and one below my collar bone, so I had them removed 8 days ago! It took an hour and a half, four shots, and twelve stitches later and I was free of them! The stitches and the pain of having them removed drove me nuts, but the doctor wanted them gone, she doesn't want me to risk the skin cancer. HA! So yeah, I was playing tennis the day I had the stitches removed and I bent over to pick up a ball and the wound on my lower back that was supposed to have healed ripped open. Luckily the ER is right next to the tennis courts to the girls and the friends we were playing with walked me over and I had it stitched back up. It was quite dramatic and the girls and I cracked jokes with the doctor as I laid on my stomach being sewn back up and the nurses doubled over in laughter, we made some of our best jokes ever. It was quite the night. So yeah, thats my gross story. I'm on antibiotics right night and I still have some stitches but I'm "mole" free.)
Needles to say having all these stitches in my back has really effected my working out and tennis routine, but tennis is going good. I am loving my private lessons, and the girls are loving being "intermediates" at the club. They're there right now, the little goslings.
Yay for coffee. I'm at Panera right now taking a break from studying, and using the free internet. (See Seth? I gave Panera a little money, but I'm using their internet and taking up a whole booth so don't be mad at me! I'm sabotaging the communists form within!)
At least I'm not being as rude as the woman in the table next to me. She's been on her cell phone for forty five minutes now, and she's talking quite loudly and using "Oh, my, gawds." every five minutes. I'm just sitting here with my headphones typing quite softly.
This debate is seriously killing me though people, why have I suddenly become group leader? Why is it my house people want to meet at? WHY??? I'm about ready to use Dr. Kevorkian's suicide machine myself.
Ha, no, I jest. That man scares the crap out of me. I am ready to empty my money market account, fly to Switzerland, get a job, and chill for a couple of years though. I am seriously on the edge people. Seriously.