Thursday, June 30, 2005


Its here.

My sweet little Ibook is right in front of me.

Its fabulous, I am so excited about it! I'm a little nervous about getting used to new programming, I've used windows for so long, but I think its going to be okay. I've gotten used to a few programs already.

I'm already falling for Apple's ilife.

right now

Kisses for everyone!

Stolen from the brotherling.

BUt thats what little sisters do, eh?

Your Element is Earth

Your power color: yellow

Your energy: balancing

Your season: changing of seasons

Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.
You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.
Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.

Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.

What Element Are You?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I was just upstairs sketching by my window, and I blinked one of my contacts out. I washed it off and placed it back on my eye.

I don't like wearing contacts. I mean its nice because I don't like the feeling of wearing glasses (Having metal on your face all the time) but I don't like feeling contacts on my eyes either. I like to hide behind my glasses as well. I think I look even worse without a pair of glasses to cover up more of my face. They've become a security blanket of sorts. Of course then I feel guilty for hiding, so I force myself to wear contacts and I feel insecure. It's a lovely pattern.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You know its odd.

I feel like I've had more (different) feelings in the last month then I've had in my entire life.

Either I'm going insane, or my soul is just incredibly stimulated.

Monday, June 27, 2005


We get to the tennis courts, and they're a complete mess! Cups, bottles, and sunflower seeds! That infernal Party in the Park, may it burn in utter damnation! Grrrrr. Okay so after a few minutes we were able to ignore the trash, and we got warmed up and started playing good, but then a storm came. And we had to leave to avoid getting struck by lightning.



I just bought two Nick Drake albums and the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.


Snappy nothing.

Surprisingly enough, my world does consist of things other then tennis. I just never care enough to write about it.

On that note, Roger and Andy are in the quarter finals. Now we only have five more matches to get through and we can breathe again. That is of course, until the US Open.

Let’s see, I’ll try and remember some highlights from the last few days.

~Sophia turned four on Saturday, I still can’t believe that the “Studer Baby” is four years old. It’s insanity on a stick I tell you.

~On the Birthday note, Erik will be nine tomorrow.

~Things have been completely wretched between the parental units and I, and it’s been pretty weird with them and Laura and Emily as well. Luckily we three girls have been keeping each other from becoming suicidal. We do our work, we do our things outside of the house, and when we’re home and finished with our work, we lock ourselves in my room and knit, read magazines, write, draw, talk, goof off, watch movies, and listen to music, just to stay sane! Thank God for my room. I think another reason we’re going crazy is because the tennis courts have been unplayable because they took the nets down for that infernal ‘Party in the Park’. The nets are back up again though, as of this morning, so we’ll go play later. Still. It’s been rough living with our insane parents lately. Keep us in your prayers, I beseech you.

~I have been spending far too much money. In the last two days, I’ve bought: My ibook, (complete with dvd burner, extra memory, the biggest hard drive available, and bluetooth, I’m excited.) Moulin Rouge, The Wedding Singer (Pathetic, I know! But I love this dang movie, it was only seven bucks, and STEVE is in it. Guh!), ‘Good News for People who like Bad News’ – Modest Mouse, ‘Hotel’ – Moby, 7 more random buttons, a Star Wars shirt (Vintagy, ‘A New Hope’!), and movie tickets to see star wars AGAIN. Oh, and an Edward Scissor Hands patch, and a red star patch. But its not the commie star, so don't worry. I'm a frump girl. Not a commie.

This is all a mess, and I can’t really think of anything else that has been interesting lately.

We watched fireworks in the park last night. That’s interesting, right?

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Rafael lost in round two at Wimbly. I wasn't completely shocked, I didn't excpect him to get past the third, but the comment that the JERK he was playing made after the match made me furious. He said something along the lines of "I don't think Rafael will ever win Wimbledon, his serve and his volley are too poor."

Um hello, no they are not, grass is just his weakness. Obviously. And for cripes sake he just turned 19.

I want that jerk to get creamed. I'll try and post some pics from Wimbly soon, but for now here is one from the French Open.

Our hopes are all on Roger and Andy now. They MUST win. It would be so great to see both of them in the final. Roger will do it. He must. He is the god of tennis.

Back in Rolland Garros... where he was champion! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I came to Casablanca for the waters. Posted by Hello

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back!

I signed up for fall classes today at the infamous Kirkwood.

I was a little depressed by the idea of it at first, but Lynn suggested some classes that I think sound really cool, and now I’m actually kind of excited. I decided to only take four, and those being Microbes and Society, General Psychology (Ha! Classic), Intro to Culture and Anthropology, and Social Problems. As of now I’m going for a basic liberal arts two year degree.

Eh, it’s a good start right? I hope so. I am quite excited.

I’ve had a couple of ideas for projects that I would love to do if I had tons of money and spare time. One, I would love to open a theater that wouldn’t just play new releases, it would play everything, from Casablanca to The Big Lebowski, from Indiana Jones to Annie Hall, etc, etc. I’d maybe choose two or three movies a week, at times they’d be completely random, while other times they’d go along with current events, time of year, etc. I’ve even thought about the design of the theater, I’d love to have two lines of private boxes Opera House style instead of a balcony. I’ve thought about décor, lighting, the whole nine yards. Laura asked if she could open up her restaurant (That’s always been her dream) inside or connecting to this dream theater of mine, so that would be cool too. I’d call it “Nothing Cinema” or something, but I’m not completely sold on the name.

My other project would be to get a dance troupe together that would only dance to music by the White Stripes. I swear, I haven’t found any music that is easier to dance to then theirs, its amazing. It would be like this fabulous White Stripes concert, except, it would be more like a tribute with a bunch of great dances. I think I’d need at least two or three choreographers to work with me, and a lighting crew, but I’d want to be in charge of the costume aspect of it. Sure I’d need people under me, but I’d want to approve the theme of the costumes. Emily thinks “The White Stripes Army” would be a good name, but I think it’s too much of a reference to “Seven Nation Army” so the name is still in the works, heh, just like the theater.

Grrr, I’m having a problem typing. I grabbed a handful of silverware when I was loading the dishwasher today and a hidden knife had it out with my ring finger on my left hand. It wasn’t pretty. Lots of blood, etc. It was hilarious, I was back in Mom’s bathroom with her pouring antibacterial on it, and Nile with his sympathetic little arms around my waist, when Laura heard about it and came running and screaming “Was it your tennis hand?????????”.

So you can see where our priorities are.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I don't know why I even try anymore.

In other news, Rafael won in the first round at Wimbly today. So that is a reason to smile.

Bob and Pat Sheets gave Mom a present to pass along to me this weekend, it was a bracelet. I'm wearing it right now, its really cool. I'll tell you about it someitme.

Oh guys ouch... my ankles and wrists are covered with bug bites! Those stinking bugs at the courts, I wish it wasn't so fun to play tennis at night. The little jerks know where my blood is really thick and close to the skin. Dash it all to heck.

Man, I miss some of my old pals. Which is really funny because I can't really pin who I miss. Summer always brings it back to me I guess... I was talking to Stink the other day, and we were laughing about the lame Chinese Fire Drills we'd do in Dyersville, good times. Well maybe they were good times. Who knows.


I never laugh with anyone as much as I do with the sibs though. It's really something.


I don't care if I never get to be a Spanish Princess, as long as someone finds me... the star that fell to the bottom of the ocean and was lost under the white sand, I'll be fine. I'll live, and I'll be fine! Now please, take your idiotic words and your damn diamonds and go, I don't want to ever see them again. Put them on your dressing table, or give them to a bum, or throw them off of Maret's Tower for all I care. I don't want you to ever come near me again. I won't be made a fool of.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

~ * ~

I met a boy...

In Sunny Spain...

I kissed him on...

That Spanish Train...

I won't go back...

To Sunny Spain...

Until I see...

His Face Again.

Alright kids, I’ll tell you about my weekend.

Our parents abandoned (Aka, went on a 'buisness/meeting trip) us Thursday morning, and they just got home tonight. So basically the girls and I held down the fort. It was good, pretty relaxing aside from Sophia asking me a million questions about everything and anything. She usually asks Mom the questions. But Mom wasn’t home was she?


Ah well… so that was fun.

We just got back form playing tennis.

I smell like bug spray.

And Rafael is precious.







~~~ *kiss* ~~~

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I do love...

...Le Moulin Rouge.

Everytime I watch it (That being about once a year since I was fourteen.) I remember how much I love it.

It is chocked full of bawdy humor, true, but its a glorified brothel. What doth thou expect?

It is also chocked full of great music, wonderful colors, and sparkling shots... I swear, every shot is a masterpiece!!! Ewan McGregor make my heart melt when he sings, and Kidman has a lovely voice as well.

Le Mounlin Rouge.

I must purchase it along with the soundtrack.

Tres Fabulous!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

You took a white orchid and turned it blue!!!

How dare you?

Yesterday...le highlights were...

1.) Depositing a million checks into the bank.
2.) Talking to Chelsea.
3.) Buying three pairs of gypsy earrings and a Hello Kitty watch.
4.) Hearing the Laura and *makes girly voice* Charlie *Ends idiotic girly voice* story.
5.) Cranking "Blue Orchid" from Get Behind Me Satan as we picked up Laura from drivers ed and watching the little Vinton brats be freaked out be gooood music.
6.) Cranking "Blue Orchid" again when we picked up CASSIDY!
7.) Driving like a mad woman to make it to BATMAN BEGINS on time!!!
8.) Watching Batman begins, it was SO SO SO good.
9.) Talking about Batman Begins over pizza.
10.) Shopping for video games for Cassidy's P 2, I'd never been in a gaming store before! I was in awe.
11.) Getting home and finally coming off the high I've been on this week. It hit me hard, I went from feeling jazzed to feeling completely frustrated and depressed in like two seconds.
12.) Talking with family, avoiding going to bed depressed, and finally giving up because I was so frustrated and went to bed.


The nurse should not be the one to put salt in your wound.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

With the lovely flower in her hair...

Summer is here, it is almost nine at night and it’s not even close to being dark yet. I love that though, well, at least right now I do. In the winter, I like it that it gets dark early, because I find the sun to be incredibly annoying in the winter. In the summer though, I love being outside when its late, and the sky is still fairly light and soft. It’s lovely.

Yesterday, Nile and I went into the pet store because I had to buy something for Pim Pim. Nile and Erik have both been begging to get a bird for months now, and while Nile and I looked at them yesterday, I felt the urge to help them with their case for some reason.

I am notorious in my family for being able to talk people into things, make want they want sound completely reasonable, etc. So I’m usually the one the girls come to when they want something, and I’m always the representative for we sibs as a group. Anywho, Nile was really cute yesterday, and the poor guy had such a rough time at the gym earlier, that I was compelled to help him get a bird.

Three sentences and a cute look from Nile later, and we now have two tiny adorable zebra finches in our sunroom.

You’re good you say? Ture, very true.

I have officially decided that graduating from high school is fabulous. I mean show me the cons and we might talk, but I haven’t been able to find any! Here is my experience in a nut shell. a.) After I finished my seniors project, I had this amazing high from being ‘done’, and it was one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. b.) I go to go to a graduation ceremony and have people say really, really nice things about me, all while sitting and wearing a pretty outfit. c.) I got to have an amazingly fun graduation party, that was yes a lot of work, but also completely fabulous. Friends came, bearing kind words and presents. d.) In most of those presents, was either cash or cute checks in lots of different amounts. *cough* ipod/laptop time *cough* e.) And every time the mail comes there are cards in it! With more *cough * check or cash *cough * and sometimes wicked fun presents!

I guess the only cons would be the few people I had to invite coming to my party, having to write thank you notes to said people, and having to answer the infamous “What are you going to do now?” question a million times. Still. It’s pretty good overall.

Also - I love Casablance more and more every time I see it. Oh, and I watched Psycho for the first time ever last night, not a total dissapointment, but not at all what I expected.

Tennis has been fabulous, except for one thing. The bugs. We have had to drench ourselves in bug spray every time we've hit the courts after seven, which kind of sucks, but that is a price I'm willing to pay.

More later? It is possible, very possible. I keep hopping on and off today waiting for fandango to put the Batman Begins tickets on sale in our area, it is so annoying.


It’s been odd lately. Ever since Saturday, something is different. I can’t really put my finger on it, but something… is most assuredly different.

It’s weird, I haven’t blogged much lately, and I’ve had many things I would have normally blogged about happen, but I just… haven’t wanted to. It’s like I always say, I always blog when I’m bored and nothing is going on, but when I’m actually having interesting things happen to me that would make wonderful journal subjects I rarely do.

On that note, my little blog had it’s birthday the other day. Happy first year bloggy! This is the longest I’ve ever kept one journal, so that’s something to smile about I suppose.

Maybe I’ll try and write some more later, but I’m still too distracted right now.

I am happy though… very happy.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Well, the party is over.

That’s right, the infamous graduation party is finally over, and it was tre fabulous. So many people came, three of Mom’s brothers, quite a few people from Dad’s side, Pete and Jenni, TONS of Vintonions, David and Kari, Huycks, Danielle and Drew, Deb and K.P, Cassidy… oi vey, so many. I don't know why I decided to list those people out of everybody who came, they were just the first ones to pop into my head just now I guess. Anyways. My faves were Chelsea, Sam, and Andrew though, it had been months and it was so great to see them. Our house was seriously crammed for almost five hours.

So yeah, to sum up the party I’d use the words: People, food, Moroccan chic decorations, awkward hugs, non-awkward hugs, dashing around, talking, and cards and presents.

It was tough to get everything ready in time, but everyone had so much fun. The parental units were very pleased with it, and so was I.

Once the party was over though, we were SO wiped. As I mentioned before David and Kari were in town, and they invited us over for a small party directly following mine, soooo we had to go to that too. It was nice though, Isabel was there… she can talk now. When she saw me, she smiled so big, and then I started talking to her, and she talked right back! I teard up… it was so sweet. She told me that she was five and a half, and that she was going to be starting school at the end of July. It was so great to see her.

We slept in this morning, cleaned up, and then the girls and I headed outside in our bathing suits for some “chilling” time. We took quilts and beach towels with us, and laid them out in the wonderfully green grass where we would spend the next few hours sun bathing. Emily read, Laura drew, I started the huge task of writing thank you notes to my guests and looked at Vouge, and of course we talked and laughed our heads of during all of this.

It was fantastic. We were so wiped. I’m still wiped. I mean sure, it’s midnight and I haven’t gotten much sleep at all these last couple of weeks, and I did just get done playing tennis for a few hours (I told you we were going to have a marathon the minute this thing was over.), but isn’t it a little pathetic that the idea of typing an exclamation point seems like too much work? Yes it is pathetic, but I’m still tired.

Anyways, I think I’ll get some sleep.

~Goodnight world.~

Thursday, June 09, 2005

He lost on grass, but he is still my player. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 06, 2005


I almost forgot! Rafael won the French Open! He beat Rodger in the semis, which was awful and wonderful at the same time, but then he won in the finals as well! I thought I was going to die... we were so thrilled! Here he is, and here. The king of Spain came to watch him play as well.

*Sigh* It was a wonderful match.

Le dance weekend?

As mentioned a couple of days ago, this weekend was filled with dance performances, and my class opened every show, so we had to be in every one. I was dreading it, but I was totally surprised at how much fun I had this weekend.

It was so weird to be back doing the spring show, it was something I did every year since I was five, and it was just crazy to be back. I got really, really nostalgic this weekend. Because Danielle, Megan, Erin, Becky, and I are all seniors Joan made a huge deal about it at the end of every show. She gave us roses at the end of one, cards, and checks at the last one (Sweet!!!).

Gosh… it was just really fun. I can’t believe how much fun it was. Saturday night’s performance was the best of course, but my fam came on Sunday, but what can you do? Sunday was alright as well. Danielle and I added up the hours, and we were there a total of twenty hours this weekend. CRAZY.

Danielle is cool, I think that if I had attended school is this dinky town (Thank God I didn’t.) she and I would have been friends.

So yeah, we seniors were all very nostalgic. At the last finale last night, we all went out holding hands, just like we did when we were really young. Then we hugged, we didn’t cry, but we hugged and made sad faces at each other.

Even though it was just a crappy dance recital, as it’s always been, I’m so glad I decided to come back one for my last year. This weekend made it worth it.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

It's humid.

But I don't mind. Except it might by nasty backstage during the shows today. I have to of them, uggg. Ah well. I joined dace again, I dug my own grave.

I love theater, I love goiung to plays, GOOD dance shows, etc. Heck, I even really like BEING in plays (I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I got to play Hermia in A midsummer night's dream at Shakespear camp.) but I am really sick of doing these lame dance preformances.

BUT IT'S MY FAULT SO IT'S OKAY. Really. It'll be over tomorrow night at nine.

Okay, well... my fish is still alive. So that's good.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Today's highlights...

1.) Rafael beat Rodger in the semi finals at the French Open! :-O !!!

2.) I bought a fish! It's name is Pim Pim! I hope he doesn't die!

Pics to come!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Um, whats hot...

a.) I got two new pairs of glasses and a whole bunch of contatcs. One pair is Calvin Klien, the other is Donna Karen. Both are tre fabulous. As far as the contatcs go, I don't like taking them out.

b.) The dress rehearsal was a riot, tons of drama Joan is insane. HA! I just wore my crappy costume and grinned my face off while we danced. Erin and Joan had a huge tiff, in public, in a microphone no less! I thought Danielle and I were going to die...

c.) We got another truck load full of mulch, and yes, once again we shall be spending a day out in the sun like slaves making our yard look perfect. These parents. I tell ya.

d.) That artical about we our bead buisness was in the paper on Wednesday. It was alright I guess, I wasn't that impressed with the writing, but meh. It's this town. Anywho, we can't go anywhere without someone talking about it. It's like, does everyone read the paper? I thought it was only the classic older generation who did that, but apparently everyone reads the paper here. Or look at the pictures and read the captions at least.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Stupid bun.

My face is caked with make up. My contacts are bothered by said make up. My hair is up in a bun. God help me, it is the most artistic bun I could conjure up, but it is still a bun. I detest buns. I mean if I could do two on the side of my head like Leia I'd be totally fine with it, but it's not allowed.

I have dress rehearsal in an hour. We are so no prepared, it’s not even funny. And I’m required to wear my hair in a bun. I am refraining from cursing.

Oi vey. It’s been crazy lately, and my blog has really sucked. I mean it always sucks, but it’s really sucked as of late.

I’m just going to say, that until my party is over (June 11th) my blog will probably continue with this ‘sucking’ pattern. As mentioned, I have dress rehearsal tonight, lots of random things until the weekend, and then four dance performances this weekend. And then it will be the week of the party, so yeah.

Oh, last night was weird. My dance studio had it’s awards ceremony, and I got abother tacky trophy for being part of it so long. Heh, I threw the other ones away the year I quit dance, but now I have another. Why am I writing about this? I really don’t know, must be the bun.

Oh, we found a little time to play tennis last night, it was steller. We are getting so much better. We’ve decided, that the day after the party, we’re going to have a tennis marathon. Seriously, we’re planning on eight hours at the courts.

*sigh* So yeah, not like I have many fans, and not like it matters if I don’t blog for a while, but I just wanted to let the humans know.

Enough, time to go put on one of my three wretched costumes.