Monday, June 13, 2005

Well, the party is over.

That’s right, the infamous graduation party is finally over, and it was tre fabulous. So many people came, three of Mom’s brothers, quite a few people from Dad’s side, Pete and Jenni, TONS of Vintonions, David and Kari, Huycks, Danielle and Drew, Deb and K.P, Cassidy… oi vey, so many. I don't know why I decided to list those people out of everybody who came, they were just the first ones to pop into my head just now I guess. Anyways. My faves were Chelsea, Sam, and Andrew though, it had been months and it was so great to see them. Our house was seriously crammed for almost five hours.

So yeah, to sum up the party I’d use the words: People, food, Moroccan chic decorations, awkward hugs, non-awkward hugs, dashing around, talking, and cards and presents.

It was tough to get everything ready in time, but everyone had so much fun. The parental units were very pleased with it, and so was I.

Once the party was over though, we were SO wiped. As I mentioned before David and Kari were in town, and they invited us over for a small party directly following mine, soooo we had to go to that too. It was nice though, Isabel was there… she can talk now. When she saw me, she smiled so big, and then I started talking to her, and she talked right back! I teard up… it was so sweet. She told me that she was five and a half, and that she was going to be starting school at the end of July. It was so great to see her.

We slept in this morning, cleaned up, and then the girls and I headed outside in our bathing suits for some “chilling” time. We took quilts and beach towels with us, and laid them out in the wonderfully green grass where we would spend the next few hours sun bathing. Emily read, Laura drew, I started the huge task of writing thank you notes to my guests and looked at Vouge, and of course we talked and laughed our heads of during all of this.

It was fantastic. We were so wiped. I’m still wiped. I mean sure, it’s midnight and I haven’t gotten much sleep at all these last couple of weeks, and I did just get done playing tennis for a few hours (I told you we were going to have a marathon the minute this thing was over.), but isn’t it a little pathetic that the idea of typing an exclamation point seems like too much work? Yes it is pathetic, but I’m still tired.

Anyways, I think I’ll get some sleep.

~Goodnight world.~


At 4:28 AM, Blogger coffee girl said...

horray for a great party being had!

im glad it went over well:)

also..have i ever told you what a blessing you have in your siblings? yeah


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