Dear Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry,
You both suck, and I am sick of talking about you. I don’t even know if I care anymore about who wins.
Dear Sisters,
I’m sick of tennis. Seriously, don’t tell me another score or show me another picture right now. I can’t take it.
Dear Mel,
Get back here safely.
Dear Mom,
Lay off the mood swings, you’re killing us. Please, just….can you be a bit more predictable?
Dear Anna Karenina,
You are the most wonderful book I’ve ever read.
Dear Katie,
Hurry up and get that apartment rented so we can have all those good times we’ve been talking about lately.
Dear Seth,
You make really good cds. Damn.
Dear Grand Prix,
I wish you were mine.
Dear Room,
Why can’t you clean yourself?
Dear Joe and Beth Virks,
You guys creep me out sometimes.
Dear Chaz,
Quit cheating on
Dear Tiff,
This new drama is somewhat lame, and my legs hurt from that super long practice the other day. Everyone on the team are saying their legs hurt, you really need to give us a break some times.
Dear Kathy,
I quit working at your stupid café and I don’t feel guilty at all. You don’t know anything about running a restaurant, and I don’t think you could have possibly made any more mistakes with the décor. Your taste leaves a
Dear Isobelle Carmody,
Please write the last book in the Obernewtyn series. PLEASE.
Dear ‘The Watchmen’,
Your song ‘No longer mine’ makes me want to just curl up and cry my eyes out. Its so beautiful.
Dear Summer,
Come back.
Dear Matt,
I’m so very sorry.
Dear Sophia,
I have completely enjoyed you lately.
Dear Life,
Calm down.
Dear Camille,
Remember to floss your teeth and make sure Mom gets that appointment for the removal of your wisdom teeth confirmed. Also, quit worrying about everything. You’re doing pretty good with your nutrition, and you’re getting more exercise so that’s a plus…but you still need more sleep. You’re almost always tired. Also, step it up in your math! You have SO much to get done before the year is through, and its not even funny! Stop spending money, you’re gonna need it in case you have to move out sooner then you thought. Just stop sucking and start being a good girl.
Dear God,
I’m sorry to you most of all. I have slapped you in the face this fall. You, who have always been more then faithful…I’ve not forgotten you, but I’ve pushed you away. I’m so sorry. I…I’m going to try so much harder, and I know…that you’ll make up for what I can never do.
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