Ouch, my feet really hurt. Dear Lord, why do these adorable black pumps with the really high heels have to look so sassy hidden beneath my jeans? Just why God, why does it have to work so well? They hurt after 9 hours of wearing them.
Hmm, okay, church today, and oh man….it was FREAKY. We had these weird dudes there performing feats (sp?) of strength and it completely disturbed me. *shudder* Anyways.
So Katie-dogs b-day was Tuesday, and we had the shin-dig this afternoon. Pretty good times actually, can’t beat going out with the gang and goofing off.
Okay, so I ran errands after the party right, and man it was fun. I was just all by myself, but quasi dressed up (Blue oxford, snappy jeans, said black pumps, brand new black J Jill coat which I adore, killer straight up-do, silver twisted earrings from art fair, and diamond ring) so I felt grown up dashing all over CR. Anyways, so I went all around and bought lovely fun things. MANY picture frames (for the new room décor), A ‘White Stripes’ album, pixi stix (my new sig), socks, matches, gum, chapstick…blah blah blah. And a bunch more crap that I can’t remember right now, but it was just so fun to be alone and take my time. I had a blast.
Heh, wouldn’t you know it, I’d have more fun buying matches and pixi stix then I would hanging out with a bunch of ‘friends’. *sigh* I’m a grump lately. Bahahahahaha.
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