Monday, August 16, 2004

My tree.

Well lets see….yesterday.

That was Saturday. It was a ‘cleaning’ Saturday and only a Studer can appreciate the meaning of that statement, but anyways. The most execiting thing was taking the Christmas lights of the Aspen out front. Why were there lights on the Aspen tree out front? Let me tell you.

Last summer I had an idea. I was going to lay the smack down on Vinton Iowa. Lay the smack down and stick it to the Vinton man. How was I going to do this? By wrapping white lights around every branch on the huge Aspen tree in our front yard. The plan was that we would spend many a summer night under said tree, enjoying the gorgeous, defiant glow of Christmas lights in the summer. Vintonians would never dream of doing such a thing, the idea wouldn’t even penetrate their thick skulls….

But oh…

It was my plan.

So I spent a couple of days up in that tree, wrapping the lights around and around, like an absolute lunatic. This was my tree, and sure, maybe some of the areas I would climb out to weren’t the safest, but sacrifices must be made if you want to stick it to the man.

The tree was completed, lit, and we DID spend many a glorious night under it.

Then this summer, the lights needed to be taken down, which is what I did yesterday. Lets just say it was easier putting them up then taking them down for some reason. I had to have a pair of garden clippers to cut the lights (Most of them were toast) and I had to stay in the tree and not die. But I got the job done alright. I forgot how much I enjoyed climbing trees though, I am going to have to pick up the habit again. Most fun.

Heh, today was church and the like, basic Sunday stuff. END.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

we have a neighbor across the street who does that with thier tree.

Crazy college kids. It is pretty though.


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