Back Jack.
Well we got back around 1 last night. I had to be up at 5 to make it to church on time to do our drama, it went very well but I was exhausted and didn’t really know the whole thing because I only made it to 2 practices but s’all good. I was able to wing it.
Minnesota was pretty fun. And it wasn’t even THAT awkward with Susan. She was acting pretty sweet, and I had a good time with her when her boyfriend wasn’t around.
Aside form that, the boating was incredible. I forgot how much I enjoy it. Uncle Joe lives on a lake so that’s where we were most of the time, either on the beach or riding in his speed boat. I just plain adore going that fast on the water. It was to windy to ski (Plus I haven’t done it in years, so that’s lucky for me!) but just perfect for ‘tubing’ and oh did we tube! They have a ‘Monster tube’ and Susan, Laura, Emily and I all got on it and just had a ball. We laughed our heads off. Then Emily and I took SOHPIA on it! Yes, 3 year old Sophy went tubing. She LOVED it, I had a death grip on a strap on her lifejacket and away we went with the little darling giggling and her golden curls flying in the wind. Too much fun.
Yes yes, great fun and what not. Oh, and they also took some of us to the races! Can you believe Camille went to the races??? I can barely believe it. Well the expierence was too be sure quite alien, and between worrying about the junky cars possibly flying of the track made of mud, or getting caught in a brawl going on between some spectators nearby, I survived and had some what of a good time. But I will say, I don’t think I will do it again unless I really have to. Its just not Camille, its not essence.
sounds like a fun time. boating really is a lot of fun.
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