Monday, August 30, 2004

On edge.

Ug, what I didn’t say before is that I am completely on edge. For some reason these last few days I cannot relax, and I don’t want to eat. I have this constant sick feeling in my stomach, and I really wish it would go away. Why am I so nervous? Its like I am waiting for something to happen and will snap at any moment. This is not good, not good at all.

Cafe day.

Well, cafe day today. It wasn't THAT bad to be honest, the Cafe is cute, clean, and nothing was that hard to learn. Its kind of fun because its a 'fifty's' theme, so its all pink and teal with all this retro decor. Laura was up there wih me, and we make a great team. She likes to make the food/ice cream/coffee drinks, and I enjoy the register and helping the customers. Its going to be an okay 6 weeks. Possibly. I just wish I was getting paid more. Bah. I am a spoiled brat.


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Well, I start work at the cafe tomorrow, I hope it doesn't suck too bad.

Talked with BF Kate tonight, I haven't seen her for two weeks, that was nice.

I am going to join up with the dance group again. This is going to be my year, I am going to put everything into it. Heres hoping. *Crosses fingers*

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Well that was fun, sorry to take up so much space. Pictures galore.

Erik, his first concert. Posted by Hello

and more fun. Posted by Hello

More fun. Posted by Hello

Photoshop fun. Posted by Hello

N J and Em. Posted by Hello

Em and me. Posted by Hello

Laura and Soph. Posted by Hello

Dad and Laura. Posted by Hello

wow, great hair Camille. Posted by Hello

Man my sisters are hot. Posted by Hello

Emily, darling. Posted by Hello

Erik that little sexy bro. Posted by Hello

Oh yeah, me and the girls going to Farenheit 911. Well of course Seth was the one who made us go, well we wanted to...but he met us there. I drove the girls. Not like it matters. Posted by Hello


Vincent. Posted by Hello

Hes married and this is really sick that I am posting his picture. Its fuzzy because I didn't want to use a flash because that would make him look at me, and I wouldn't want that.


Man yesterday sucked so bad. I have no idea why but I just woke up depressed. I was just completely frustrated with everything and just wanted to be left alone. And THAT of course just made everybody harp at me more. Bah. Who knows why I was so blue, perhaps the gray sky.

So its just the three little aliens and I hanging out today, they’re playing dominos in the living room next to me. Mum, Laura, and Emily are in Des Moines. Lucky sweet action.

I start at the infernal café on Monday, but mum talked to Cathy and said I was probably only going to be able to do it for about a month. Thanks Mummy, that’s the sort of thing that makes me love you despite all our infernal disagreements. Oh who the heck am I kidding? We both love each other we’re just a little too proud to admit it at times.

So we got these beads in Saint Louis, and by the love of Neptune…they are rubies! SWEET ACTION. Ruby beads, oh yeah, we’re moving up. They were pricey, but eh, we have them. I was just working with them this morning, they are going to be nice. Oh and Turkish silver is amazing, just saying.

Stupid crap. I have been way into angry chick music lately, and crappy junk at that. I actually found myself cranking up an AVRIL song, man that’s low. Avril’s ‘Happy Ending’ and that young Jo Jo chicks song that goes “Get up, right now. It’s the end of you and me, its too late…and I can’t wait for you to be gone.” I am so into it. Its like the iquivelent of junk food as far as music goes, you’d think I had just had a serious breakup and now I am eating ice cream out of the container. Except it’s a radio. If that makes any sense.

Ice cream is always better out of the container anyways.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

News Flash.

I need a life.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Saint Louis.

I am back from Saint Louis. It was a completely wonderful, fantastic, marvelous,
smashing little trip. I had such a good time with the folks its not even funny. The ride down was good, I was pretty tired so I just listened to music and read some mindless fashion magazines (Hey, at least it was InStyle.) Our hotel was SWEET, Edward Jones likes to butter up the vets so we literally were in one of the sweetest suites I have ever been in. Wow, lamo. Anyways. Okay, I need to try and focus and give just the basics, it was just a trip to Saint Louis for cripes sake.

Went bead shopping in the morning, spent way too much Money. Had lunch at this fantastic little café with a twist of Spain in the cuisine and décor. Found this amazing little Moroccan clothing store that had just the kind of things I love. Got a few pieces priced incredibly reasonably as that sort of thing usually is. Then we did some more shopping, beads, art store, I got this amazing light to hang off my ceiling, its in the shape of a star yet has an Eastern Indian pattern on it. Blah, picked up Dad, went to dinner at Union Station (It was wicked fun) shopped some more.

It was raining, Mum and I popped into Starbucks for coffee and decided that today we would head to a mall. Oh my word, we power shopped. I found lots of stuff I really love, and so did Mum, but I won’t be a drag and list everything here. Then we picked up Dad, did dinner, and I thought it would be fun to go to a movie to kind of top off the weekend. So I suggested ‘The Manchurian Candidate’. Heh, bad idea. I keep forgetting that my parents are basically into fluffy feel good movies, and the one we were watching at present was a little intense. Lets just say I covered my mothers eyes many times. Heh. But I think in the end they liked it. Sort of.

Ug, I just had so much fun, especially with Mum. It was just so refreshing to do the kind of stuff we like to do with no interruptions, no pressure to hurry up, no kids to watch, no guilt. I just plain had a great time being my parents only kid for a bit. I don’t think I could have had anymore fun then I did, the only problem is….

My bank account is virtually depleted.

Monday, August 16, 2004


Dang it I am tired. I think these last couple of weeks of waking up at my usual early time, and then staying up into the wee hours of the morning on the internet are finally catching up to me. I am wiped baby. *whew* Well, just in case I don't get any computer time in tomorrow, I am going to Saint Louis from Wednesday to probably Saturday. Its just going to be Dad, Mum, and me.... and I am so excited about that! Dad will be in meetings during the day, so Mom and I will just hang out, shop, lay by the pool, chill, read junk....all with no kids! We can just RELAX and not worry about children! YES!

My tree.

Well lets see….yesterday.

That was Saturday. It was a ‘cleaning’ Saturday and only a Studer can appreciate the meaning of that statement, but anyways. The most execiting thing was taking the Christmas lights of the Aspen out front. Why were there lights on the Aspen tree out front? Let me tell you.

Last summer I had an idea. I was going to lay the smack down on Vinton Iowa. Lay the smack down and stick it to the Vinton man. How was I going to do this? By wrapping white lights around every branch on the huge Aspen tree in our front yard. The plan was that we would spend many a summer night under said tree, enjoying the gorgeous, defiant glow of Christmas lights in the summer. Vintonians would never dream of doing such a thing, the idea wouldn’t even penetrate their thick skulls….

But oh…

It was my plan.

So I spent a couple of days up in that tree, wrapping the lights around and around, like an absolute lunatic. This was my tree, and sure, maybe some of the areas I would climb out to weren’t the safest, but sacrifices must be made if you want to stick it to the man.

The tree was completed, lit, and we DID spend many a glorious night under it.

Then this summer, the lights needed to be taken down, which is what I did yesterday. Lets just say it was easier putting them up then taking them down for some reason. I had to have a pair of garden clippers to cut the lights (Most of them were toast) and I had to stay in the tree and not die. But I got the job done alright. I forgot how much I enjoyed climbing trees though, I am going to have to pick up the habit again. Most fun.

Heh, today was church and the like, basic Sunday stuff. END.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Exclusive cha.

I have come up with an idea for my problem of having to deal with bead clients that drive me insane. Said beaders always gripe/bitch/complain/second guess me no matter what I am doing, you would think they were the ones teaching the freaking bead class. Good cripe. So I have decided to instate some classes that will give me a break from these infernal people every once in a while. Along with our ‘public’ classes, we are going to hold the ‘Elite bead core’ parties. These classes will be held at our home (In the living room most likely, yay and fun!) and will be most exclusive. Basically that means, only the people I want to come will be invited. Mother has given me complete control over said parties, and I intend to enjoy this power.

Yay for being a brat and picking favorites.

Friday the 13.

Slept on the couch last night, it was nice. The council of siblings have done this for the last three nights because of the strange cold weather, well…that’s our excuse at least.

Tennis this morning, went smashingly. Except for the part right in the beginning when I was laying on the couch and Laura screamed “Oh my gosh!!! Its 9:10 and we have tennis at 9:00!!!”

Heh, so the tennis sibs and I drove to our lessons clad in pajamas, and dash it all….we did AWESOME! I would say my level today made it right up to ‘Not completely crap’ and that’s saying a lot.


Thursday, August 12, 2004

Whatever and things.

Okay bloggy, I am back.

These last couple of weeks have been insane, I feel really bad about being so lazy and ignoring this blog. Let me try and remember the big points, then I can start afresh with no guilt.

*We had three bead classes, and made up a ton of kits, so that took a lot of time. I have really gotten back into beads, with a serious passion. I haven’t been this excited about them for a while.

*We have still been doing tennis, so that’s cool.

*I have worked a couple days at Dad’s, so that was boring as usual.

*I am considering joining up with my old dance group again, that’s completely weird because when I quit I vowed never to join again. But eh, I guess the dance just wants out.

*I have decided to paint my walls tope and buy all those old movies posters I have been dreaming about, they include but are not limited to: Casablanca, Rear Window, Notorious, Singing in the Rain, and most importantly…The Godfather.

*We went to Adventureland as a fam, had an okay time and now we can live until next summer free of guilt from the parental units. They will not be allowed to pull “You didn’t even go to Adventureland with us this year.” Out and use it as blackmail. We have them now.

*Okay, through quite an unfortunate, insane, barely believable turn of events, Zach and I are no longer friends. I wish I could just pour out the whole thing here, but that’s not fair to him. Baisically what it bolied down to was him completely dumping me as a friend because he didn’t agree with my view on something, I was willing to accept our differences, but he didn’t care enough I guess. So ther we have it, he just slapped me out of his life. This is the first time I have ever been rejected by a firend that I actually cared about, and I guess it was just more shock then anything. Ug, if you don’t know the story then it probably makes no sense. Lets just say I got the smack layed down on me, and for no good reason whatsoever.

Oh I guess that’s good enough, I know I did more stuff though, my brain is just too fried to think about it. I am going to try and be better in the future. Promise.

Friday, August 06, 2004


Geez, I have been too busy to post lately, lifes been insane!

I hope to find more time later blogy, I haven't left you yet.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Zach and I are going to see John Kerry tomorrow! Fun to the max!


Mom: he goes "You are the spiting image of Cathy!" and...

Camille: Wait, wait, wait, did he say "spiting" or "spitin" ?

Mom: I guess he said "spitin".

Camille: Okay, that's what I thought. Good job on the rest of the story though.

Mom: Oh good, thanks!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Back Jack.

Well we got back around 1 last night. I had to be up at 5 to make it to church on time to do our drama, it went very well but I was exhausted and didn’t really know the whole thing because I only made it to 2 practices but s’all good. I was able to wing it.

Minnesota was pretty fun. And it wasn’t even THAT awkward with Susan. She was acting pretty sweet, and I had a good time with her when her boyfriend wasn’t around.

Aside form that, the boating was incredible. I forgot how much I enjoy it. Uncle Joe lives on a lake so that’s where we were most of the time, either on the beach or riding in his speed boat. I just plain adore going that fast on the water. It was to windy to ski (Plus I haven’t done it in years, so that’s lucky for me!) but just perfect for ‘tubing’ and oh did we tube! They have a ‘Monster tube’ and Susan, Laura, Emily and I all got on it and just had a ball. We laughed our heads off. Then Emily and I took SOHPIA on it! Yes, 3 year old Sophy went tubing. She LOVED it, I had a death grip on a strap on her lifejacket and away we went with the little darling giggling and her golden curls flying in the wind. Too much fun.
Yes yes, great fun and what not. Oh, and they also took some of us to the races! Can you believe Camille went to the races??? I can barely believe it. Well the expierence was too be sure quite alien, and between worrying about the junky cars possibly flying of the track made of mud, or getting caught in a brawl going on between some spectators nearby, I survived and had some what of a good time. But I will say, I don’t think I will do it again unless I really have to. Its just not Camille, its not essence.