Fathers Day.
Well they’re home, and it feels pretty good to not have to worry about the kids anymore. Not like they were a huge pain, and Laura and Emily were so awesome, they helped so much. We got along great, Laura and I didn’t fight once! Woop!
We did the drama today at church. Oh, and I shut my alarm of and fell back asleep this morning, so I woke up with an hour and fifteen minutes to shower, do my hair, grab my stuff, and get to church by eight...as well as make sure the house was in order before I left. STRESS! Ug, I did it though. Sound check went well, but when we went to do it during first service, the cd was junk. It kept skipping, and timing is everything with this drama, so we had to start again. And again when they put the same messed up cd BACK in. Gah. Anyways, we got it, and it was wonderful. Same for second, without the technical difficulties. *wink*
God let me feel him very close today, during worship. It was wonderful, I was so dissapointed at how the groupies were acting this morning, not like they were doing anything that bad, I just had no desire to talk with any of them. Well...at least to the ones who normally talk to me, I would love it HE would talk to me, but he only watches and smiles. Anyways....thats beside the point. I just forgot everyone else, sat in a chair away from the loud group, and focused. It was the youth worship team, and I love them so much, they’re fantastic. I stood in the asle, and just shot my mind up to him, lifted my thoughts to him. You know, when you acknowledge him, you just say screw everything else, its you and me. Thank you for letting me know you, thank you for careing....oh so much more. He is beautiful, the times when, like today, he just sprinkles his love on me and I can barely handle it. It is something I only feel with him, obviously. Oh whatever...I can’t even begin to describe it. He is God. He lets me come into his presence and dance with him, that is something I will never understand.
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