Friday, October 28, 2005

One more thing...

It's decided, in 2007 I will own this lovely little number that makes 70 miles per gallon. I better start scimping with my funds.


The cold is here. I decided to walk to school this morning, probably not the best idea but it was an exam day in microbes and I wanted to be awake for it. The exam only took me fifteen of the fifty minutes provided and that’s why I’m wasting time in the computer lab. I’m such an idiot, I wanted to study for my social problems exam during my break today but I left my book at home because I never use it in class and I didn’t want to have to carry it up to school. The irony I tell you.

We went to a science fair at Coe College last night after tennis and gymnastics. Some of the presentations were dull, but a couple were really interesting. I loved the one on magnetism, it was fantastic.

I can’t think of anything really interesting that I actually want to write about at the moment. This have been going well as far as school goes, we taught a huge bead class the other night, family and friends are doing okay, etc. Life has actually been pretty “action packed” as of late, but of course I’m too lazy to write about it.

That’s it. I’m going to go see if I can find Chris, maybe he brought his book.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lyrics that are good

~sunken ships rest
upon the ocean floor
where i've made my home
to dodge the draft once more

there once was a time
one could flee to the north
but canada's not what she used to be
boycott the war
well she could not afford to
thanks to the new american queen

swim with me and we'll escape
all the trouble of the present age
finally free

the mermaids teach us
how to breath beneath
the line that now divides
action from apathy ...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Tres Friday

Man I’m getting bad at keeping up with this thing.

To keep you up to date with the last post, we went to the Cincotti show and completely loved it. Peter was fantastic live, we all had such a good time. He played a lot of stuff that he’s going to put on his next album and I simply cannot wait until it comes out. It wasn’t the kind of show that most “teenagers” go to, but we thought it was fabulous.

Speaking of shows, my friend Breahana got to go to Death Cab for Cutie, and Copeland shows this week. Grrrr, simply not fair.

I’ve been sick since Monday, and quite grumpy, but I’m getting slightly better. I actually took the antibiotics without complaining.

School is going good, I’m really getting into the grove of everything here. We’ve been studying avian influenza in microbes in light of everything happening in Asia and I’ve found myself being really interested in it. Diseases are fascinating things.

As far as business goes, I’m almost completely caught up with basic orders. I still need to get started on the wedding project, and get ready for the Oct.26th class though. I gave the Kirkwood samples to Lynn yesterday, hopefully the bookstore will be interested. Never a dull moment my friends.

I’ve been wearing lipstick, and I bought the most fabulous pair of frump girl boots. They’re not the poser kind of boots everyone is wearing, they have no heel (Nearly every shoe has a heel this season, and I’m the kind of girl that wants to be able to walk without feeling like she’s going to fall on her butt at any moment.), they’re brown suede, and barely go above my ankle. I love them. I can walk, they keep my feet warm, and are best friends with the ground. I don’t know how I feel about wearing lipstick though, it’s quite the scandal.

It’s just crazy how little down time there is. Insanity.

This town is driving all of us insane. Dad has been having staffing problems, AGAIN. He thought he’d hired a good employee, but she’s turned on him already. I don’t know what it is. He’s the best employer anyone could ask for… theses women are insane. I’ve been referring to our quaint little town as “The Hell Hole”. Mom wants out, we kids want out, and Dads just trying to decide what to do. We’re going crazy. I think it would be cheaper if we just lived in Cedar Rapids, we’re down there so often now.

Oh, and the Linn Mar (A preppy high school in Cedar Rapids)tennis coach (He's a pro at our club) told Laura that he was interested in her playing for the school’s tennis team, but when they asked about her joining they said that because we’re technically closer to Union’s team she’d have to play there. Guh! It’s only five miles closer to us but its in the other direction of Cedar Rapids!!! Good lord. Laura was so disappointed she nearly started crying. It’s very frustrating.

Life feels weird right now, and I don’t know if I like it or not. I’m not indifferent, just confused. Sometimes I really do, and sometimes it just feels so strange. I’m busy, doing good in school, working, enjoying a hobby, being more social then I want to be, etc, etc… so you would think I’d be elated, but, I’m not really. I guess if anything I feel bored at times. Meh, it passes. Life doesn’t always need to be analyzed.

Friday, October 07, 2005


The sisterlings and I are going to go to the show tomorrow night. I never thought I'd actually get to hear Peter sing in person, I think I might faint.

Laura's birthday is tomorrow so we're going to spend the night in Seth's hotel just for kicks. We're planning on having a blast.

Tres bleak

If I were able to step into the world of Wuthering Heights today would be that day. Such bleakness.

Things have been alright in my life, my busy life just makes time fly by so fast... I wish it would slow down. At least on the weekends.

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the Peter Cincotti show tomorrow night... do I want to spend the money? It would be sensational I'm sure... dash it all.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Tres ten minutes to class...

We've had a good weekend so far, and it sounds like the parents have been having fun as well, so thats fabulous. Dad seems to be a lot more relaxed about his presentation, we're hoping he does well and stays chilled.

I was up way late last night filling bead orders, and I have to use my break today to get them where they need to go. Tres stress! Somehow it will be alright though.

This former tennis pro Luke Jensen is coming to the tennis club tonight. He won the French Open Doubles final quite a few years ago, and now he works at ESPN. Anyways, the girls and I are going to a special clinic that he's going to be at tonight. I am WICKED (yes I did just say wicked) nervous, and so is Emily, but I'm hoping that everyone just stays chilled.

My new racquet is AWESOME. I can't get over it.

Maybe I'll write a more personal in depth post in a few days, but right now, microbes starts in five.

Stay beautiful.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Le song, de la month

Your day breaks, your mind aches
You find that all the words of kindness linger on
When she no longer needs you

She wakes up, she makes up
She takes her time and doesn't feel she has to hurry
She no longer needs you

And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years

You want her, you need her
And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead
You think she needs you

And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years

You stay home, she goes out
She says that long ago she knew someone but now he's gone
She doesn't need him

Your day breaks, your mind aches
There will be times when all the thing she said will fill your head
You won't forget her

And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years

tres parents gone

I bought a new racquet last night, and its pictured below. Its still in the shop being strung, but I'll get to pick it up tomorrow.

Mom and Dad are in St. Louis, and they'll be there until Tuesday so it's another weekend with the power of the Studer house in the palm of my hand. (Aka, we're having a blast just chillin and doing what we want.)