Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The pennies.

My joy at work today…came from something completely unexpected. It was early in the morning, I couldn’t have helped 5 customers when I sold a cup of coffee and turnover to an adorable old lady. She, is part of the ‘coffee-cult’. At approximately 9:03 a.m. daily, these ladies stroll into the café with exactly a dollar six in their hands for their either regular or de-caff coffee, and – if you remember which kind they prefer they are SO proud. With their cups in hand, they congregate to the large table in the corner for at least a minimum of an hour of ‘chatting’. They simply adore Laura and I, we are their favorites and they can’t get enough of us. They love my hair, and Lauras rosy cheeks and they never fail to mention it. Sometimes they will be spontaneous and spring for a pastry, on those mornings when they are feeling ‘adventurous’. Well, today was one of those days. The sale I mentioned earlier went to my favorite of the coffee cult, Anna, always clad in pastel sweater suits and pearls, so small, and the sweetest smile on the planet. Well, I gave her the coffee and pastry and turned back to my register to set everything in order. As I glanced down, something caught my eye and blew me away. I looked at the money tray, with its rows of dull green bills, and small sections of silver coins and it was drab, but in the corner, something glowed a lovely copper. I felt my moth open in awe as I stared, we had a container of completely brand new pennies, everyone of them completely perfect and they shown amidst the drabness. That lovely gold color, not a scratch on them and everyone dated 2004. I touched them with my finger tips, and just sighed at how beautiful they were. Those lovely little circles of copper.


I made it through dance somehow and even though my form was wretched, I made my groggy mind focus and I think I will remember the steps until next class.

Oh, and I did get to talk to Chelsea darling tonight. She…* laughs * is having relationship/ college/ girl dramas. * sigh * but shes got a pretty good head on her shoulders so I am not too worried about her. I didn’t talk much though, about myself, simply gave the dear girl advice when she asked and commented at the appropriate times. Its so funny, it often seems when I am dealing with problems that are not my own, my mind is clear and I am able to see the ‘obvious’ answers, but when its my problem….well…that’s another story. *cough * I need more tea. I wanted so very badly to ask her about Zach, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Its been almost 2 months now since him and I have spoken I think. Bah, it hurts so to think of it….infernal hearts. Caring about friends and all that, over-rated I tell you.


Oh man guys I am so sick its not even funny. Heh, I went to bed around 2:30 this morning and I woke up at 7:10....guess what time I had to be at work? 7:30 seriously! Man I showered and got dressed so friggen quick it wasn't even funny. GAH! My throat is in pain and my head is KILLING me, this sucks. Chelsea darling wanted me to call her tonight but I don't think I am going to be able to....which sucks. OH! And I have dance in a couple of hours....and I can't skip because I can't fall behind this early in the year! *cough*

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


My throat hurts and I'm lonely. I have too much stuff to do, not enough time to do it, and I don't care about at least 86 % of it.

I need to run away and become a gypsy. I just need a hug.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Yes indeed.

Today….inspiration for jewelry making visited me. I could feel it as I woke. What art was I going to do? Today, it was darling earrings. I have had many failed attempts in trying to make a professional, finished product and was starting to lose hope. Today though, oh today…a solution to my problem came. I am not going to try and explain it, only let me say that I now have a way to do the technical part of the earrings with ease, so I may focus on the artistic part more. Which is the only part I really care about anyways to be honest.


Jake: “So Camille, tell us honestly…do you find hairy men to be attractive?”
Camille: “Um I don’t think it really makes any difference what I find attractive….”
Rory: “Yeah girl, so whats it gonna be?”
Camille: “Guys I am really not comfortable in this conversation….”
Nick: “Camille wants Rory, that’s all there is to it.”
Camille: “NICK!”

Oh, and a bit of truth....I suck as a writer.

Wet grass.

Heh, okay so I finished blankets yesterday afternoon as well, its not exactly a long read. It was…..wonderful.

Last night, we were all in the living room hanging out. Mom had jut opened her last birthday gift (Her birthday was last week for cripes sake) and I was laying upside down on an automon (sp?) making Nile and Sophia paper airplanes. All of a sudden I feel this rush of energy through my body….its time for a Studer spaz. So I put my hands on the ground, and flipped my body off the chair. I scan the room for an accomplice. Parental units? Most assuredly no, Erik? Naw…hes using a computer game and I just don’t know if hes got the right stuff. And then I spot him. Nile. Hes messing around with dinosaurs in the entry way. I go over to him, and whisper in his ear “Nile, lets go run around the house.” He looks up at me and grins. We slowly stand, look at each other and dash barefoot out into the night. We’re laughing as we slam the door, but apparently we weren’t fast enough. She had spotted us. She being one of the most dangerous forces in the house….she was…Sohpia. Nile and I are dashing down the front walk and onto the driveway, and that when we hear her. She had opend the door, and was coming after us yelping “Hey guys, wait for me! Wait guys! Nile looks at me and yells “Camille, shes after us!” PANIC. Think Camille, think. “Nile, the deck!” So we run halong the side walk and dash up the deck stairs, we can hear her little feet on the sidewalk now. I grab th handle of the French doors and we get inside. We look at each other in relief, gasping for breath. But it wasn’t over. Just then, Emily and Erik come out of the dining room and ask “Hey guys, what are you doing?” I look at Nile and he grabs my hand and screams “Camille….RUN!” We dash past them through the kitchen and go back out the front door. This time, we turn laft and go around the other side of the house. We’re doing okay, the grass is cold and our barefeet slip because its so wet but its completely wonderful. We run back up to the deck, thinking we’re safe, but they were waiting for us there. Emily and…oh no…not her! Sohpia! Ha! So we decide that theres only one last hope, we let Emily join our forces and I dash off for the trampoline. Nile and Emily follow me, and we all climb on and we all spring, leap, twist and flip together safely. It was heaven, completely dark outside except for the moon, and the air so soft and cool. We laughed and chased each other, and were safe for at least a good two minutes until she came. Yes Sophia. “She clmbs up using the little step stoll that is there just for her, and says “Hey guys, what are you doing?” We all groan and say “Nothing Soph.”

In the end, all ended well. We proceeded to jump in the night for quite a while longer, and then it was time to go inside. Our barefeet touched the cold wet grass again and I turned around to get Sophia. She hopped on my back and wrapped her little arms around my neck “Camille, that was fun. I liked that Camille. I was afraid you girls and Nile would leave me…but you didn’t. I like you Camille.”

Sunday, September 26, 2004


I started reading 'Blankets' this afternoon. Thats all I have to say.

Thursday, September 23, 2004


I am spending the night in Des Moines tomorow with the groupies. We're gonna do a drama and stuff.

Bah, I have homework I need to do....



Dear Anyone,

Please save me from my life.

Its killing me.

-Camille the girl


My tummy hurts and I am tired.


I felt bad aboout not bloging for a while.

Yesterdays highlights.

*Meeting my prince. (AKA the frog outside the laundry room window.)
*Dance lessons.
*Talking with Matt (and all my other IM darlings of course, but he deserves a speical mention because he waited for me for so long.).
*Installing windows XP.
*Falling into bed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


#1.) Cheap wine sucks. Thats all there is to it.

"You know what I think is funny? You can't call a girl a 'Son of a bitch'. I love that."

-Emily Studer

Monday, September 20, 2004

Tennis Chat.

(Dialogue captured during a Studer Sis tennis match tonight. Plot: Emily let Laura borrow her racket.)

Laura: This racket is from Hell.
Emily: Yeah actually that’s where I got it. Special order.
Camille: Oh I forgot about your hookup with Satan.
Emilly. Mmmhmm.
Laura: This racket sucks! I, I can’t play with this. *throws racket*
Emily: Oh now you’re getting it….*runs at Laura*
Laura: Get over it! No wait, bring it on! *they’re now in each others faces*
Camille: Are you guys going to get a divorce?
*Emily and Laura laugh heads off and everyone tennis fanatic lives happily ever after*

Sunday, September 19, 2004


I went to youth service tonight. Bah. We’re starting this ‘Spending money God’ way’ class thing, I’m not sure how I feel about it. Luckily we’re split into tables, and I have Jake, Katie, Dan, Josh, and Joe at mine. Schweet group. Still, its quite elementary, and we’re going to have homework, and I had to purchase the stupid book. Which completely sucks because I am running low on funds as it is. Even with my 2 jobs.

I just don’t know what to do with those chums down there. I haven’t been doing much with them lately, and when I came back today everyone was completely excited to see me….but….I just don’t know. I was leaving kind of early tonight, (reason being having had hardly any sleep.) and Lincoln caught me at the door. We talked for quite a while, I think hes been worried or something, about me not being there. Heh, they’re starting to jokingly call me ‘heathen babe’ and Katie grabbed me tonight and said (sarcastically as Katie ever is of course) “Camille, I can’t take it that you’re going to hell! You’re my firend and I can’t be friends with someone whos going to hell…oh God Camille!” *laughs* She is such a spaz. Anyways, I guess I am trying to decide if I think I want to get way involved with them again. Like I was earlier this year, spending tons of time with those kidos. They’re a pretty good bunch, they just bore me a little. It would pretty much take up whats left of my free time….I dunno. I guess I am just trying to work things out in my mind here.

Also- I want a car. I seriously do. I am tired of having to drive a F****** minivan around.

I bought clothes for dance today. Classes start Wednesday, and I am pretty excited to get back into the grove. I have been doing my ‘reg dance stretches’ for the last week, so it shouldn’t be that hard to get back to where I was when I quit. Heh. Oh, and the funnest song ever to do our hip hop/jazz number to would be that Black Eyed Peas song, um you know the one….”Lets get its started ha, lets get it started in here….” Blah blah blah. That’s dance music baby. I am going to suggest it, at least for a warm up routine. Heres hoping.

Also- I am still trying to prepare myself just in case I would need to move out. Just saying. MUST SAVE FUNDS.


As of right now I am running on 2 hours of sleep. This is grand. Geez I am an idiot. This must not continue. I wanted ti sleep last night but I just couldn't, I was too wired.

Oranges are good.

Also, Anna Karenina is fantastic. I can’t get enough of it.

Friday, September 17, 2004

And if you, would like to buy me flowers...just go ahead now.

Man kids, I'm running on low. These last couple of weeks have been insane. I need help.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Recipe for disaster.

*Work all day.
*Stay up too late on the stupid computer when all of said work is done.
*All in all get 3 hours of sleep.
*Add new allergy meds.

Makes approximately one good sized very tired Camille, dark circles under eyes is normal.

(Chefs note: She wanted to stay up talking to her people. So she did. That was her own choice. She had way too good of a time.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


"The only thing I learned from school, that I didn’t already know going in, was long division. Oh, and cursive."

-Seth Studer, September 15th 2004

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Eat your little brothers.

Mom: Sophia, eat your eggs.
Sophia: I don’t want to.
Mom: Okay, we’re going to pretend that we are chickens, I’m the mommy chicken and you’re the…baby….chicken…heh…and we’re cannibals because I just picked the worst animal possible to pretend to be and we’re going to eat your little brother.

*Sophia’s face is most confused*

Camille: HA! Nice Mom.
Mom: I guess I’m feeling a little morbid today.
Sophia: I have to eat my little brother?

Monday, September 13, 2004


Okay so today I am insanely happy. And aside from the fact that the morning started out with Laura completely freaking out at mom, and having to go to the doctor in about 15 minutes for my allergies....its been a smashing day. No work, cleaned my room, got my finances in order....and we have pretty nice weather. I am all smiles and it feels great not to be grumpy, frustrated, or stressed.

Put a smile on your face....

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Random Vents.

*I don’t want to smell like a diner.
*My sister Laura is infernal.
*Its not just me who thinks that right now, its all of us.
*I ran into Blake up town today, I have been seeing a lot of him lately.
*Talked with Sarah, she is completely ecstatic about me joining up with dance again.
*I am an awful person.
*Seriously, tonight I said every stupid thought that popped into my head. I hate to say it but it was like what they call ‘diarrhea of the mouth’. Why am I so awful, and stupid? I know some of the things I say are just foolish and pointless, yet I say them anyways. Just, why?
*I am selfish and do not deserve anything.
*Laura is seriously going to kill me.
*I hate being 17 today.
*My plan. I need to improve myself in so many areas, perfect some talents. I also need to fill up my bank account and make sure I am completely prepared for college scholastically. That way, if I need to escape I am completely ready.
*I am seriously hideously ugly. This is not a test folks, its official. I can’t believe how unattractive I am. I have zits on my face today, my hair is frizz central and my body, see next note.
*I am going to go raw for the next 60 days or so. Well, at least I am going to try. This means that I will consume nothing but vegetables, fruits, and water. I don’t know what this is going to do to my system, but I am hoping it will make me feel better. Cleanse it you might say. Also- I am going back to my summer work out schedule, an hour and a half of walking/jogging daily, and then weight training every other day. Heh, I really was awful about the weight training, but I did the walking/jogging and that made me feel great. So I have just GOT to get in better shape. That is all.

Down with the Grease.

Down with the grease. Now, as I have mentioned many a time I have been working up at a small café uptown for the past couple of weeks. Quick recap for reason of my employment, filling in for a chick whos having a baby, and for all the summer kids that are off at college. Now, I have tried to have a good attitude about this, tried to be a good person and stay positive and help out. Shes having a baby right? Yeah, that’s an okay thing….I can deal with waiting on old people, minimum sucky wage, and smelling like baked goods all day….

But now….

Oh now….

Its not just going to be nice deli sandwiches, cappuccinos, ice cream, and baked goods. We’re going to go along with the fifty’s décor and a new menu starting tomorrow is going to include…

Burgers, French fries and any other food you might associate with the like. Gah, I shouldn’t complain this much but I don’t want to have to deal with making this food at times. I just know I am going to smell like grease 24/7, its going to eek out of my very pores. Don’t get me wrong, its not that I think I am better then this kind of work, but if I really don’t want to then why should I? I mean, if it was for a good cause I would totally do it and not utter a negative word, but its not. Its just stupid food. I would be willing to go crawl through mountains of garbage to cradle the darling suffering children in Africa, I truly would Because its worth not staying neat and being comfortable.
Bah, okay I need to shut up now. But this is say to you….I will not be working there much longer. Beads, and Edward Jones are going to be my main source of income very soon.


Oh who the freak am I kidding? Of course I still want a man, is there anything I want more? And fortune cookie at lunch today...

"You will get your hearts desires"

Schweet! Thats what I'm talking about....

Its official.

#1.) The frump has indeed taken over my liver and its moving towards my heart. Only two more months at best.

#.2) Rocko has introduced me to a clothing site which I have fallen in love with. Literally. I no longer require a man in my life.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Cruise cha.

Okay yeah....we just got back from a spin, the girls and I, and that car is wicked tight. It goes goes. Heh, I adore driving, and with my sisters in the car, music playing, windows down.......theres nothing better. Well, it might be better if a certian someone was with me....

Um, work cha.

Bah, today was work from 8 – 5 then came home and cleaned house for two hours. The parents are having some new ‘friends’ over for the first time tomorrow, so OF COURSE the house had to look good. Bloody new doctor and wife moving to town and getting all friendly with my parents….

Hrm, I don’t have much to say. I’m sick of work but when I am there I am just kind of indifferent. I was mostly playing ‘secretary’ at Dad’s today which includes chatting it up with clients, a little paperwork, answering the phone, looking have way cute, making coffee, scheduling appointments, and using the internet when I am bored. What sucks though is it is only ‘status view only’ internet which means no output, so I can’t compose e-mails or post anything. Suckage. But I can read and junk, so that’s good. Not like anybody cares about what I do up there…..*ahem* I worked at the café over lunch AGAIN.
Dad bought a grand prix today, and I can’t wait to take it out for a spin….he says its pretty sensitive. It’s a silver/gray color of sorts….looks pretty nice. And all I really care about is that its not a junker or a van.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Random Facts.

Random facts by Camille.

*I scalded half of my left hand with espresso at the café today.
*I just bought red Ralph Lauren sheets for my bed.
*’What not to wear’ is a great show.
*I need to go on that show.
*Pink Lemonade is better then regular.
*Minimum wage in Iowa sucks.
*The doctor says I have 3 months to live, the frump is taking over my liver.
*I start dance in less then two weeks.
*Portabella Market in London is really fun.
*Irony is a wonderful thing.
*I don’t know who I would vote for if I could this year.
*Rob Thomas’s birthday is February 14th.
*Apparently blondes have more fun.
*I still don’t want to be a blonde.
*My friend Lincoln just started keeping candy in his pocket.
*And when I say candy that’s what I mean.
*As in a food stuff consisting mostly of sugar.
*I have 4 pairs of red shoes.
*Mel Gibson really was a beautiful man.
*I suck at math.
*Okay, I don’t suck but I hate it and have so much to catch up on.
*I’m nice to people when I don’t want to be sometimes.
*Okay, a lot of the time.
*My little brothers and I went exploring in the woods after dark tonight.
*We also walked on the railroad tracks and climbed a huge blolder thingy.
*They both told me they loved me and thought I was the best sister in the universe.
*And I had way too much fun with them.
*I want a clawfoot bathtub.
*My two younger sisters are completely obsessed with tennis. Its what they talk about 99.9 % of the time, it’s the only thing they look at on the internet, they play it on the freaking driveway, and both are in love with players. Laura/Andy Roddick and Emily/Rodger Federer. I swear to Neptune, if they make me sit down and watch one more match with them I am going to implode.

Monday, September 06, 2004


I forgot to mention that I finished ‘The Heart is a Lonely Hunter’ a few days ago. To be honest, the ending really ripped me apart. Some pretty tragic stuff happens, and you leave all the characters you have grown close to with them finding no peace. It was a good book, I learned a lot and enjoyed it but I still wish that I could have had a bit more closure. Ah well…its about life and I suppose that’s the way it often is.

I started Anna Karenia today and oh sweet lord…I adore it. I can’t wait to get more into it, it just completely vibes with me and I am enthralled. Its wonderful to find a book, that even though its not EXACTLY you, its feels like you. If that makes any sense.

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Okay, back from our little weekend extravaganza. Let me just give you all the basic facts. #1.) My grandparents are a little insane and I can’t really relate to them but I have to be nice to them for my fathers sake. #2.) They live one mile out of Britt Iowa, a little nothing town up in northern Iowa. They have a nice house, but theres not much to do so we have to entertain ourselves. There is NOTHING in that town.


*Sweet talking grandfather into letting the sisters and I take his brand new pickup for a spin, and cranking up classic Studer girl driving music which on this trip baisically consisted of ‘The Police’, Maroon5, The Goo Goo Dolls, and cd with ‘sister safe Greenday’. All to much fun, what is a more ‘farmer essence’ thing to do then drive around the country in a pickup? That is my question.
*On Saturday we went shopping and visited my Aunt Camilla. We found this coffee shop called ‘The Naked Bean’ and I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. I don’t really know why, I have been in like thousands of coffee shops (They’re like ‘in’ now right? Maybe? *wink*) but this one just really got me. Perhaps it was because I had been exposed to NO culture for so long, heh, corn can do that to you.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Two Dreams.

I had these dreams almost three years apart, but I know they go together for some reason. I have never felt like I felt in these dreams, when I think about them they seem as real as most of my 'real memories'. I have never been more terrified, and I just can't put into words the feelings and emotions I had in these dreams. I have tried over and over, but its just not possible for me to do. I have written them down, just so I will not forget. Now I know the writing is awful, but you will have to excuse me. And I am sorry if they come across as 'over-dramatic' or if it appears that I have read too many fantasy novels and this is just a regurgitation. To me it is not, but I can see how it might look that way. All in all, at least I have the main idea down. Guys, I seriously am sorry the writing sucks so bad. *sigh* Anywho, I titled them with the date on which I dreamt them.

November 4th 2001

I am walking in a city. This city reminds me of London, cobblestone streets, old stone towers, and a river running right through the center of the city, with all its bridges. I know that my family and I have been living here for a few years, but I don't know when it is. There are no vehicles, and the people's attire cannot exactly be placed in time. It might be the 18th century, but then again it has some almost futuristic twist. Timeless, elegant beauty, yet incredibly advanced. I have memories of living in this city, walking on the streets with these people in their vibrant clothing, smiling, talking, and the sky was blue. The sun shown and this beautiful city was alive.

Now though, I suddenly realize that everything around me is gray. A feeling of panic creeps into my body, when did this happen? My eyes dart around me and I am shocked at this sudden change. I see no plants of any kind, and the people are dressed in black and gray. They no longer look at you, or the sun, their eyes stay on the streets before them. A realization sweeps over me, the sky is gray as well, it feels as if it has always been this way, like the sun had never had existed. I pass a black window and I see my reflection. A white gown is on my body, with skirts that trail behind me, and my shoulders are bare. I dive back into the sea of gray, my white clothing glowing in contrast. I have to push through the people to keep walking, they push back at me, as if they can't even see me. This feeling of panic and confusion is only growing stronger inside me, and suddenly someone grabs my arm and I am no longer here.

It is night, the city is asleep and the streets are empty save for me. I feel like I have lost something, and once again the need to walk rises in me. I pass an ally and I am stoped by a voice.

"Girl, come to me."

I turn to see who this voice belongs to, and an old man pulls me into the ally with him. I want to leave, but I can't. "You must listen, watch for the child with the eyes of fire. He is beauty, but he brings only death and pain. My girl, he brings the very end of us." His rough hands grab my shoulders and he whispers in my ear. "Yes, it is close." The man touches my forehead, and I am back on the street in the sea of gray.

I'm crossing an incredibly wide bridge. I reach the center, and time stops. Everyone around me disappears, all except for one child. He is standing with his back to me on the other side of the bridge. I feel a chill and wisps of snow pass in front of my eyes. My feet move in the direction of the child. I am at his side now, and he turns his face to mine. He is the most beautiful child I have ever seen, his gaze penetrates me, and I stare back at him in wonder. A slight smile tilts his lovely lips, and he speaks.

"Give me your hand."

The minute that child's voice crept into my ears, my body was completely paralyzed with terror. I feel tears start to pour down my face, and I start to extend my hand. The child closes his eyes and when he opens them again, they appear to have flames inside them, glowing blood red. Everything inside my body is screaming at m to run, but I can do nothing but continue to extend my hands. The boy touches them, and they burn with cold. Dry pain fills my body, my blood flows through my veins like a river almost frozen. The wind sings and I scream, there is a flash of light and the pain is no more.

July 6th 2004

I am awake again, and I can see that I am in the city I have grown up in. It is night in my small town, and the houses look empty. The lights along the streets are on, but they are dim. I have the feeling that everyone had just left, that they stole away in the night in a frenzy. Windows are open but inside all you can see is blackness. I see myself and I have changed. My face is older, I am no longer a young girl and I have grown taller. I am once again clad in white, only now my dress in much more elegant and I have a cape and hood that hang down my back. I am on a road, and I start to walk.

I am looking for something. Someone. Its missing, they're gone. My feet tap along this road, echoing in the night. Oh what am I looking for? Why is there this alarm in my body? This fear and this panic drives me on. My mind twists in a thousand different ways, and I continue my way on this dark night.

Something wet drips down my fingertips. I gaze at them and sharply draw a breath, my wrists are slashed, lines of blood crossed over each other. The blood begins to drip onto my dress and I start to run.

Run girl, you must run. My gown and hair billow out behind me as I run through the night on these streets lined with trees, leaving trails of blood behind me. My heart pounds in my chest and the need to scream drives me on. Where are you? I run until I see a small shape ahead that nails my feet to the ground. The wind blows on me, and I realize my neck is wet. My hands search and find a long cut below my ear, the blood flows onto my shoulders and down my back. Oh don't stop, don't stop. Go, run, don't stop! I look at the form before me, it is the child. He kneels on the ground beneath an enormous dark tree. He looks up at me and smiles that evil, sweet smile.

"There you are. Now, give me your hands." The child stands and comes towards me. I fall to my knees weeping, my salty tears mix with blood and grief and terror sweeps over me. "Stop." I whisper "Just leave me be." His eyes flash, he is filled with anger. "No. Your time has come, you cannot stop me. Now, your hands." My hands turn upward, white with tiny trails of blood. He presses his hands on mine, and that frozen pain fills my body once again. My mind jolts and lungs freeze. He is sucking the life from me, and all that is left is pain. Burning pain like a million knives going in and of my body over and over.

"God... save me." I hear myself gasp. Someone screams and I see a dark figure running towards us. It is a man, and in his hands he carries a sword. I see a flash of silver and he grabs my arms and rips me from the child. Blackness, once again.

I awake and find I am with the man, it is still night and we are under the bridge that crosses the river as you leave the town. I look at him. His face is long and noble, his eyes a black blue, and his hair is dark. He wears a cape and hood exactly like mine, except his is black. He speaks to me, but I can't understand what he is saying. He tries again and again, but I only shake my head in confusion. He looks at me and reaches for my arms. He pushes my cape aside and turns my forearms over, they are covered in blood. He wipes them with his hand, and I see the cuts form words. "Don't let it fade" has been cut into my skin. He meets my eyes and turns his own arms are over. As he pulls up his sleeves, I see white scars on his forearms as well. In the same writing, the scars say "Don't let it fade, find her." The minute I see this I can understand his speech. "Come with me, it is time to go." He says to me pulling me up "There is much we need to do. " We step onto the bridge and cross over side by side, we walk into the night.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004



*Cafe, twas alright. *sigh* The biggest problem is the time between the morning, lunch, and diner rushes. The place is practically dead. All one may do is make sure the place is spotless, which is what I do. *Laughs* The girl I worked with today, when she came in her mouth dropped and she said "Wow, heh, you're really tidy." I replied with "*Laugh* No, I am just really bored." Oh, and Camille's creativity has already hit the cafe if even on some small level. You know how most restaurants have a dry erase board with the day's special on it? Well, we have one and on Monday I was asked to write out the special. *smirk* So we weren't busy, (the coffee junkies had just left) and I laid the artsy smack down on that board. On its black background, I added the text in my classic font with a bit of flair, I drew a boarder, Multiple colors, swirls, tiny dots around the text, and an extra message below the special. After 15 minutes, it was done, and I had my art fix even at work. *laughs* Laura worked yesterday, and said everyone was commenting on the board, and all they had done to change it was erase the days special and update it. Everything else was still Camille. And when I came in was still the same only it had Wednesdays special. And the staff referred to me as 'the artist'. *GRIN* I am not trying to brag, I just think its hilarious how badly Vinton needs some creativity. Anywho, enough about a stupid dry erase board.

*We leaving tomorrow night for a little vaca in northern Iowa. Seeing the grandparents (Good lord why must we do this?), visiting my darling Uncle Monte and Aunt Camilla, shopping, and possibly boating. I think I might be able to talk them out of boating though, don't get me wrong, I adore boating, but it isn't a speed boat we would be going on. Its some sort of sick old peoples boat (Ug, grandparents strike again) and I am not interested. Heh. I should burn, I need more love in my veins.